Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/31/24 — Dr. Peter McCullough Sheds Light on Mysterious Teen Death, Abbott’s Warning to Sanctuary Cities, Montana’s CPS Medically Kidnapped Teenage Girl, and Will Scharf Discusses the Iowa Hate Crime Case, and MORE


Tonight on Gateway: Beyond the Headlines–

IMMIGRATION, BORDER UPDATES, AND SANCTUARY CITIES- Are airports now helping illegal immigrants travel with fewer documents than everyday passengers? And Biden says he’s done all he can with the border issue – but what’s the reality there? Plus, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has a warning for sanctuary cities. What it is? Owen Shroyer, host of Banned.Video joins Ivory.

Then, more on the shocking story of an immigrant family from India living in Washington state that fled the United States after finding out that their young daughter had gender transitioned and the school hid it from them. Plus, the latest on a wild story of Montana’s Child Protective Services, who has been accused of forcibly transporting a 14-year-old girl from her family in Montana to Wyoming for gender transition treatment, leading to a complete revocation of her parent’s custody.

Next, renowned cardiologist and author of The Courage to Face COVID-19, Dr. Peter McCullough, joins Ivory to discuss the details of a 14-year-old girl who tragically and mysteriously died during a basketball game. What’s the cause? And scientists at Stanford University have discovered a new “virus-like entity” that is shaped like obelisks. Where did it come from and where will it go? You won’t want to miss this segment.

And Will Scharf, Candidate for Missouri Attorney General, joins the show with more on the controversial story of a Christian veteran who beheaded a satanic altar in the Iowa capital over the holidays and has now been charged with a hate crime.

Finally, what’s next after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called for Ilhan Omar to be expelled from Congress and stripped of American citizenship, and deported – and why did he do that?

That’s on tonight’s don’t-miss episode of Gateway: Beyond the Headlines.


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The post Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/31/24 — Dr. Peter McCullough Sheds Light on Mysterious Teen Death, Abbott’s Warning to Sanctuary Cities, Montana’s CPS Medically Kidnapped Teenage Girl, and Will Scharf Discusses the Iowa Hate Crime Case, and MORE appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

White House Refuses to Hand Over Transcript of Biden’s Ukraine Speech Where He Called For Firing of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin

The House Oversight Committee on Wednesday said the White House is refusing to hand over the transcript of Joe Biden’s Ukraine speech where he called for the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin.

“The White House is REFUSING to hand over early drafts of President Biden’s 2015 Ukraine speech where he called for the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin.” the House Oversight Committee said.

“These drafts are important as it is believed, based on public reporting, that the then-VP “called an audible” and changed U.S. policy toward Ukraine to benefit his son on the plane ride to Ukraine,” the Committee said. “Joe Biden later bragged about withholding a U.S. loan guarantee if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor.”

“For more than five months the White House has declined to authorize the production of these draft speeches to the Oversight Committee or to assert a valid privilege over them,” the letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel said.

The House Oversight Committee said they will ‘consider the use of compulsory process’ if Biden doesn’t cooperate.

What are they waiting for??


The White House is REFUSING to hand over early drafts of President Biden’s 2015 Ukraine speech where he called for the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin.

These drafts are important as it is believed, based on public reporting, that the then-VP…

— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) January 31, 2024

In 2015 Joe Biden made a speech to the Ukrainian Rada in Kiev in which he demanded the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin.

Viktor Shokin

“As the Prime Minister and the President heard me often say, I never tell another man or another nation or another woman what’s in their interest. But I can tell you, you cannot name me a single democracy in the world where the cancer of corruption is prevalent. You cannot name me one. They are thoroughly inconsistent. And it’s not enough to set up a new anti-corruption bureau and establish a special prosecutor fighting corruption. The Office of the General Prosecutor desperately needs reform. The judiciary should be overhauled. The energy sector needs to be competitive, ruled by market principles — not sweetheart deals. It’s not enough to push through laws to increase transparency with regard to official sources of income. Senior elected officials have to remove all conflicts between their business interest and their government responsibilities. Every other democracy in the world — that system pertains,” Biden said in his 2015 speech, according to White House archives.

A few years later speaking on a panel before the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden publicly bragged about bribing Ukraine with $1 billion to fire Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma corruption.

Viktor Shokin was investigating Mykola Zlovchesky, the Ukrainian oligarch who owned Burisma Holdings, the natural gas company that was paying Hunter Biden millions of dollars in an influence peddling scheme.

Biden strong-armed Ukraine into firing Shokin to protect his son Hunter and publicly bragged about the scalp.

I “said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” Biden said in 2018.


Diener des Volkes = Ihor Kolomoyskyj (Produzent)
Burisma Holdings = Ihor Kolomoyskyi (Inhaber)
Burisma Holdings = Hunter Biden (Aufsichtsrat, $1M/m)
Burisma Holdings = Ermittlung durch Generalstaatsanwalt Viktor Shokin
Viktor Shokin = Gefeuert von Joe Biden ($1B)

— Weltenläufer (@Weltenlaufer) January 30, 2024

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Squad Member Ayanna Pressley Accuses Walgreens of Racial Discrimination for Shutting Down Stores in Theft-Plagued Neighborhoods

You can’t make this up.

Squad member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) has accused pharmacy giant Walgreens of racial discrimination for its decision to close stores in neighborhoods with high crime rates, including locations in her district, Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District.

During a speech on the House floor, Rep. Pressley condemned the pharmacy giant for its decision to shut down a store on Warren Street in Roxbury, an area she noted is “85% Black and Latino.”

She cited this move as part of a worrying pattern of withdrawal from low-income communities. The radical congresswoman condemned the impact of such closures on residents who rely on the pharmacies for essential items, including medications and health supplies.

“When a Walgreens leaves a neighborhood, they disrupt the entire community, and they take with them baby formula, diapers, asthma inhalers, life-saving medications, and of course, jobs. These closures are not arbitrary, and they are not innocent. They are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination,” she claimed.

Rep. Pressley, alongside Senators Elizabeth Warren (D) and Ed Markey (D), has called for a detailed explanation from the CEO of Walgreens.

“Why was there no community input, no adequate notice to customers, and no transition resources to prevent gaps in health care? Shame on you Walgreens. Having a website with talking points about health equity and underserved communities is not enough. Walgreens is a multi-billion dollar corporation that needs to put their money where their mouth is and stop divesting from black and brown communities.”


.@Walgreens‘ closure of their Warren St. location in Roxbury is a disruptive, life-threatening act of racial and economic discrimination.

As a multi-billion-dollar corporation, they should put their money where their mouth is and stop divesting from Black and brown communities.

— Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (@RepPressley) January 31, 2024

In 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) named Massachusetts as the most violent state in New England. wrote, “As adjusted for population, Massachusetts takes the New England violence honors with a rate of 308.8 per hundred thousand. This is nearly triple the violent crime rate of Maine (108) and more than double the rate in New Hampshire (146.4). It is noteworthy that the three least violent states in New England are Constitutional Carry states that actually encourage responsible citizens to exercise their Second Amendment civil rights.

The outlet added, “This is no surprise and certainly is in keeping of the Commonwealth as being one of the most violent states in Northeast America,” said Jim Wallace Executive Director of GOAL. “In 2018 we released the Massachusetts Gun Control Success – A False and Dangerous Narrative report that proved beyond any doubt that the laws and policies of the Commonwealth were an abject failure. Nobody listened and not one major media outlet would cover the story. So, the leadership of the State have no one to blame but themselves!””

American cities are going to become retail deserts eventually, and it’s all because of Democrat policies and weak leaders who won’t prosecute crime.

The CVS pharmacy chain has announced that it will close 900 stores by the end of 2024, citing shoplifting as a major issue.

This news comes at the same time that Target has announced the closure of nine stores for similar reasons.

One CVS drug store in Washington, D.C. has taken much of its stock off the shelves and is using the space to display photos of what customers used to be able to grab for themselves.

Conservative commentator Joey Mannarino posted to X photos he claimed were from a CVS store on H Street in Washington, D.C.

“This is from the CVS on H Street in Washington DC. Due to the out-of-control theft, they have now put away almost all their items and just have photographs of what is in stock. You press the button and the sales associate gets you what you need,” he posted.

Stores in San Francisco are now securing their freezers and bathrooms with chains to prevent shoplifting, with one store experiencing up to 20 robberies in a single day.

NEW: The Walgreens at 16th/Geary in San Francisco has chained up the freezer section

Workers said normally shoplifters clean out all the pizza and ice cream every night. They’re usually hit 20x a day. The whole store is virtually locked up. @KPIXtv

h/t @greenbergnation

— Betty Yu (@bett_yu) July 18, 2023

So, rather than prosecuting the criminals, the Democrats are now going into business owners.

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REPORT: Biden Regime Launching Scheme to ‘Effectively’ Disrupt Private Gun Sales Before the 2024 Election

Whistleblowers within the ATF have alleged the Biden regime is launching a scheme to enact an effective ban on private gun sales before the 2024 Presidential election. If successful, this would be among the most significant assaults on the 2nd Amendment in American history.

According to Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt, the ATF, at the behest of the Biden White House, has drafted a 1,300-page document justifying a rule that would “effectively” ban the sale of all private firearms.

Back on March 14, 2023, Joe Biden issued an executive order in order to “clarify the definition of who is engaged in the business of dealing in firearms, and thus required to become Federal firearms licensees (FFLs), in order to increase compliance with the Federal background check requirement for firearm sales.” The purpose was to move America as close as possible to universal background checks without new legislation.

@EMPOWR_us has learned through whistleblowers within ATF that at the direction of the White House, ATF has drafted a 1,300 page document to justify a rule effectively banning the private sale of firearms.

— Tristan Leavitt (@tristanleavitt) January 31, 2024

The Federalist notes the rule would accomplish this effective ban on private gun sales simply by mandating background checks on all personal firearm exchanges. The person tasked with this grave assault on the 2nd Amendment is Senior Policy Counsel Eric Epstein, who worked as the Phoenix Field Office’s Division Counsel during Operation Wide Received (a precursor of Operation Fast and Furious).

The whistleblowers say the rule is being drafted by Senior Policy Counsel Eric Epstein, who worked as the Phoenix Field Office’s Division Counsel during Operation Wide Received (a precursor of Operation Fast and Furious).

— Tristan Leavitt (@tristanleavitt) January 31, 2024

It would also circumvent the separation of powers in the Constitution, which grants “all legislative Powers” to Congress while requiring that the President “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

— Tristan Leavitt (@tristanleavitt) January 31, 2024

This is far from the first time the Biden regime has targeted America’s gun owners. The Gateway Pundit reported last year the ATF issued a rule banning millions of guns and threatening gun owners with up to a decade in prison for refusing to comply.

The Regime also launched a scheme to enhance the ATF’s illegal gun registry, prompting a warning from Gun Owners of America (GOA).

Even if the courts strike down this rule assuming it is enacted, what is to stop the Regime from enforcing it anyway?

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Appeals Court Finds FBI Did Violate 4th Amendment Rights of Los Angeles Residents by Seizing Hundreds of Safety Deposit Boxes without ‘Any Legal Basis’

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the FBI violated the Constitutional rights of some Beverly Hills residents by seizing hundreds of safety deposit boxes without ‘any legal basis.’

In 2021, the feds seized $85 million in cash, precious metals and family heirlooms stored in about 800 safe deposit boxes in Los Angeles.

A class-action lawsuit claims the FBI “exceeded the search warrant approved by the court” when it raided storage provider, US Private Vaults (USPV) and snooped through the contents of the safe deposit boxes.

USPV was indicted by the feds for conspiracy to sell drugs and launder money, however the owners of the boxes are not accused of committing any crimes.

The search warrant only authorized the FBI to inspect the safe deposit boxes to “identify their owners in order to notify them” about claiming their property.

The FBI agents were caught on video going through the boxes, tearing open packages with coins after already identifying the owner’s name.

“Items appear to be missing” – The owner’s lawyer told the Los Angeles Times the FBI’s list of inventory left out $75,000 in gold coins.

The Institute for Justice, a watchdog accountability group is spearheading the fight and filed a temporary restraining order this week on behalf of several owners who stand to lose the contents of their safe deposit boxes if a federal judge doesn’t intervene.

This is the “most outrageous Fourth Amendment abuse that the Institute for Justice has ever seen,” Frommer, the IJ attorney, said when it announced the case. “It is like the government breaking into every apartment in a building because the landlord was dealing drugs in the lobby.”

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the FBI violated the 4th Amendment rights of the Los Angeles residents by seizing 1,400 safety deposit boxes.

“Writing for the 9th Circuit panel Tuesday, Circuit Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. found that the government had gone beyond the scope of its warrant — and its own rules for taking inventory of property that is not the subject of a warrant but is nonetheless in its possession — by searching the boxes and launching subsequent criminal investigations based on their contents,” The Los Angeles Times reported.

Judge Milan Smith Jr., a Bush appointee, blasted the federal government for its unlawful search and seizure.

“Smith, an appointee of President George W. Bush, also wrote that it was “particularly troubling” that the government could not explain how far it believed it could go with such “inventory” searches. Without such an explanation, he wrote, it was unclear how those searches differed from the sort of limitless searches that existed in pre-revolutionary America — and which prompted the 4th Amendment to be written into the Constitution in the first place.” the newspaper said.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

The FBI violated people’s constitutional rights when it opened and “inventoried” the contents of hundreds of safe-deposit boxes during a raid on a Beverly Hills vault in 2021, a federal appellate court ruled Tuesday.

The ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reverses a lower court decision in favor of the FBI. The panel found that the agency’s cataloging of the contents of the privately rented boxes, without individual criminal warrants for each, violated the box holders’ 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The ruling requires federal officials to destroy any inventory records they have kept on hundreds of box holders who have otherwise been found faultless and had their physical property returned. Officials must also destroy records that have been included in a criminal law enforcement database called Sentinel.

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Midnight Vote Moves Mayorkas Impeachment Much Closer to Reality: ‘The Time for Accountability Is Now’

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas may become the first Cabinet member to be impeached in 1876 after the House Homeland Security Committee voted early Wednesday morning to send two articles of impeachment against him to the full House.

The committee approved the articles in an 18-to-15 vote along party lines, CBS News reported, citing “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and “breach of public trust” in the secretary’s approach to the border crisis.

The full House is expected to take up the issue next week.

“We cannot allow this man to remain in office any longer,” committee chair Mark Green of Tennessee told CBS. “The time for accountability is now.”

House Democrats, unsurprisingly, called the Republican-led effort to impeach Mayorkas a “sham.”

“Neither of the impeachment charges the committee will consider today are a high crime or misdemeanor,” said committee ranking member Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, according to CBS.

He said the “impeachment scheme is a dangerous attempt to distort the Constitution,” Axios reported.

Perhaps more surprisingly, one of the lawyers who defended former President Donald Trump during his impeachment hearings, Alan Dershowitz, agreed with him.

In an Tuesday Op-Ed for The Hill published titled “Republicans who voted against impeaching Trump should not vote to impeach Mayorkas,” Dershowitz argued that, just as Trump had not been charged with “treason, bribery, and other high crimes or misdemeanors,” as the Constitution specifies for impeachment, so the current impeachment proceedings were based on “equally vague and unconstitutional grounds.”

“Whatever else Mayorkas may or may not have done, he has not committed bribery, treason, or high crimes and misdemeanors,” he wrote, accusing some Republicans of being ready to apply a “double standard” because they dislike the Biden administration’s policies.

He also noted — as did both CBS and Axios in their reports — that Mayorkas would not be convicted in the Democrat-controlled Senate and would therefore remain in his current position, no matter how the House votes on the impeachment articles.

The right-leaning editorial board of The Wall Street Journal was more direct it its opinion piece, “Impeaching Mayorkas Achieves Nothing.”

Republicans on the committee argued that “misdemeanor” when the Constitution was written could have referred to “the act of demeaning oneself,” CBS reported, which would essentially lower the bar for impeachment to include anything that any House member found objectionable.

“If that becomes the new precedent, then the floodgates will open and you will have frivolous impeachments from here until the end of time,” Rhode Island’s Rep. Seth Magaziner said during the hearing.

If the House impeaches Mayorkas, he will become only the second Cabinet member ever to receive that dubious honor, and the first in 148 years.

Secretary of War William Belknap, a former Civil War general and member of President Ulysses Grant’s Cabinet from 1869 to 1876, when the House voted to impeach him for what the U.S. Senate website describes as “a pattern of corruption blatant even by the standards of the scandal-tarnished Grant administration.”

Despite the fact that Belknap had already resigned his Cabinet post, a majority of the Senate voted to convict him. However, the number of conviction votes fell well short of the two-thirds threshold required by the Constitution, so he was acquitted.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Bolton Pens New Trump Campaign Ad

The apparently immortal John Bolton, warhawk diplomat extraordinaire, has written a new forward to The Room Where It Happened, his 2020 Trump-era memoir, to go in its paperback edition. He says (surprise!) that a second Trump term will be even worse than the first, which was characterized by no new wars, a booming economy, and a string of social conservative victories in the courts. His main concerns: detentes with China, Russia, and North Korea.

With condemnations like these, who needs endorsements?

The post Bolton Pens New Trump Campaign Ad appeared first on The American Conservative.

WATCH: Georgia Lawmaker Captures Video of Illegal Aliens Tucked Away in Hidden Room Under Military Protection at Atlanta Airport

The Daily Caller obtained an exclusive video of illegal aliens being held in a secret room at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta.

Republican Georgia State Senator Colton Moore on Tuesday captured video of illegal aliens tucked away hidden under military guard at the Atlanta airport. The Georgia lawmaker learned about the hidden illegals from a whistleblower who works at the airport.

The anonymous whistleblower noticed an increase in illegals coming through the airport.

Daily Caller reported:

A video exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation appears to show a U.S. service member guarding a room chock-full of illegal immigrants at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International airport.

Republican state Sen. Colton Moore, who is the vice chairman of the Georgia Freedom Caucus, took the video Tuesday night and told the DCNF that he learned of the hidden room full of migrants through a “whistleblower” at Atlanta’s airport, who noticed an influx of illegal migrants coming through the facility in recent months. In the video, there appears to be a uniformed soldier guarding a room full of migrants and volunteers with a group called Team Libertad, which boasts of helping migrants travel on its social media accounts.

“We’re all getting them flights to where they need to be,” a man who identified himself as a volunteer from Team Libertad says in the video. “These are just recently documented travelers getting released from ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] getting to where they need to be.”

The video shows a room that looks like it is guarded by a uniformed soldier. There is also a volunteer from a group called Libertad which is an NGO that helps illegal aliens.

When State Senator Colton Moore attempted to get in to take closer video, he was stopped and prevented from documenting further footage.

“Actually you cannot get a video. No, no, you are not allowed.” That was the response from those preventing him from getting more video.

Exclusive footage from Jennie Taer from the Daily Caller.


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO shows Migrants tucked away in a hidden room under military guard at the Atlanta Airport@realcoltonmoore of the @freedomcaucusga took the video after he was contacted by a concerned whistleblower. Sen. Moore was blocked from entering.


— Jennie Taer (@JennieSTaer) January 31, 2024

Airports across the country have seen illegals flying to various cities across the US. Tucson is one example of this as reported by TGP in November of 2023.

An estimated 11 million illegals have poured into the US in the last three years.

The Biden regime has failed to uphold the Constitution. The Federal Government is responsible for protecting our nation from foreign invasion in Article IV, Section 4 Of the US Constitution and has failed to do so.

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Measure That Blue State Voted for Resulted in 241% Increase in Opioid Deaths, Forces Dems to Declare State of Emergency

You would think decriminalizing hard drugs would be universally recognized as a bad idea, but it seems the leaders and citizens of Oregon didn’t see it that way until the time came to reap the consequences.

And it seems the time to reap those consequences is just about now, considering that, according to a story in CNN, Oregon has been forced to declare a 90-day “state of emergency” in downtown Portland, due to an ongoing and increasingly alarming drug addiction crisis, specifically to the drug fentanyl.

As reported in CNN, “Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek, Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler each made an emergency declaration to address the public health and public safety crisis in Portland’s Central City, citing overdoses, deaths and fear driven by fentanyl use.”

The reason behind this crisis stems from the now infamous Measure 110, “which decriminalized some use of hard-drugs, including fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid” and passed in the Oregon State Legislature back in 2020.

As a result, “[o]piod overdose deaths in the state increased from 280 in 2019 to 956 in 2022,” an astounding 241 percent increase.

If only there was some way this could’ve been avoided.

At least the Oregonian leaders are doing something about it — though maybe not quite enough.

Part of the plan for Portland’s 90-day state of emergency is setting up a command center in the middle of the city, which will measure the effects of fentanyl use and addiction on Portland’s citizens and direct addicts to the relevant treatment centers.

The other part of the plan “include[s] two public health campaigns and increased outreach to get people into treatment, recovery and housing services.”

But, at least per CNN’s report, this effort is only targeting fentanyl — why not any other hard drugs?

Measure 110 decriminalized more than just fentanyl, including in its scope heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines — all hard drugs whose effects are nearly as bad as those of fentanyl.

Granted, fentanyl has been much in the news lately, and with the border crisis going the way it is, there’s only going to be more pouring into the country.

Still, dependency on these drugs can be just as deadly as fentanyl addiction.

But we’ve yet to address the elephant in the room underlying the mess facing Portland now.

How did Measure 110 pass at all?

After all, it seems like a should be such an obviously bad idea on the surface, something no one of sound mind would propose, let alone something a large enough swath of average citizens would vote for.

Well, if you’re familiar with left-wing ideas about drugs and how to handle addiction, perhaps it won’t be as surprising.

For one, many folks on the left have been leading a crusade for decades to decriminalize drugs and drug use, beginning with marijuana, but now, clearly, they’re pushing for the hard stuff.

According to such folks’ reasoning, throwing addicts in prison doesn’t actually solve the underlying root of the problem; it just prevents them from getting treatment.

So the argument goes, if more addicts got treatment instead of going to prison, then that would eventually conquer the crises of addiction rampant in our cities.

Such was the argument at least of local left-wing news outlet The Oregonian, who claimed, when the measure was still in consideration, that “[b]roadening access to services so that adults ­– and juveniles ­­– can easily get assistance is a public health solution more closely tied with what is ultimately a public health problem. Oregonians should make clear this is a priority for the state and vote ‘yes’ on Measure 110.”

Unfortunately for the utopian aspirations of left-wing politicians, real life does not quite work that way, and all the citizens of Oregon who voted for this preposterous measure are finding out the hard way.

If you decriminalize the possession and use of hard drugs, or at least “reclassify the offense of possessing small amounts of illicit drugs from crimes to violations,” most folks inclined to use them will just feel more free to indulge their addictions, since they will face no (or less) consequences for their debilitating habit.

As for the folks who created and the folks who voted for Measure 110?

Well, as the old saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Measure That Blue State Voted for Resulted in 241% Increase in Opioid Deaths, Forces Dems to Declare State of Emergency appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

London: Nine Hospitalized in Suspected ‘Acid Attack’ That Targeted Woman and Her Two Children

A manhunt is on in London for a male attacker who threw a suspected “corrosive substance” on a woman and her two children in a car following a collision Wednesday evening in the Clapham neighborhood. A total of nine people were taken to the hospital in the acid attack. The woman and her two children were hospitalized, as were three people who came to their aid and came into contact with the substance. Three responding police officers were also taken to the hospital for reported “minor” injuries.

It is not clear if the woman was targeted or if this was a terror attack. No description of the suspect has been released as of this writing.

Marina Ahmad, London Assembly Member for Lambeth & Southwark, posted the attack stemmed from a traffic collision, “There has been a traffic collision with a man assaulting occupants in a car and throwing acid. Victims include children. 7.25pm Lessar Avenue, Clapham Common South Side, SW4 If you have any information, please contact Crimestoppers 0800 555 111, completely anonymously.”

There has been a traffic collision with a man assaulting occupants in a car and throwing acid. Victims include children.

Lessar Avenue, Clapham Common South Side, SW4

If you have any information, please contact Crimestoppers
0800 555 111, completely anonymously.

— Marina Ahmad AM (@LabourMarina) January 31, 2024

Videos from the scene show a strong police response:

— London & UK Street News (@CrimeLdn) January 31, 2024

Sky News report posted to X Twitter:

BREAKING: Eight people, including children, have been injured in a incident involving a “corrosive substance” in Clapham, south London

Read more:

Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

— Sky News (@SkyNews) January 31, 2024

Lambeth Police report, “an extensive crime scene is in place & the police helicopter is up while we investigate.”

A woman and two children were injured in a suspected corrosive substance attack in Lessar Ave #Lambeth #SW4 this evening.

An extensive crime scene is in place & the police helicopter is up while we investigate.

Can you help us? 999 ref 7790/31 Jan.

— Lambeth Police | Central South BCU (@LambethMPS) January 31, 2024

Metropolitan Police statement on the attack:

Investigation launched after suspected corrosive substance thrown at people in Clapham

Police are investigating after a suspected corrosive substance was thrown at people in Lambeth.

Police were called to Lessar Avenue, SW4 at about 19:25hrs on Wednesday, 31 January.

Detective Superintendent Alexander Castle said: “Officers are on scene following this horrific incident.

“Three victims – a woman and her two young children – have been taken to hospital for treatment.

“Three other people – all adults – have been taken to hospital for injuries sustained, we believe, as they came to their aid.

“We will update as soon as we know more about their conditions.

“Three police officers have also been taken to hospital after they responded to the incident. Thankfully we believe their injuries to be minor.

“While tests are ongoing to determine what the substance is, at this stage we believe it to be a corrosive substance.

“A man was seen fleeing the scene. We are drawing on resources from across the Met to apprehend this individual and work is ongoing to determine what has led to this awful incident.

“The National Police Air Service are assisting us. Any members of the public who can help us with information or material should call 999 immediately ref CAD 7790/31 Jan.”

There has been no arrest at this early stage.

The post London: Nine Hospitalized in Suspected ‘Acid Attack’ That Targeted Woman and Her Two Children appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.