Kamala Spirals After Another Speech is Interrupted by Protestors (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris in Phoenix, Arizona

Kamala Harris is spiraling as she cracks under the pressure of running for president against Trump.

Harris held a campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona at Talking Stick Resort Amphitheater on Halloween with just days to go until Election Day.

Here is the scene at Kamala Harris’s pathetic rally in Phoenix:

The scene here in Phoenix, Arizona where Kamala Harris is set to take the stage here in a few moments to make her final pitch to voters in this swing state pic.twitter.com/jTEiUpnyea

— Christal Hayes (@Journo_Christal) October 31, 2024

Kamala spiraled as another speech was interrupted by protestors.

“Let me say something here! We’re here because we are fighting for a democracy! Fighting for a democracy!” Harris shouted. “And understand the difference here moving forward! Moving forward, understand the difference here! What we are looking at is a difference in this election. Let’s move forward and see where we are!”


Kamala spirals after ANOTHER speech is interrupted by protesters: “Understand the difference here moving forward! Moving forward, understand the difference here! What we are looking at is a difference in this election. Let’s move forward and see where we are!”


— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) November 1, 2024

A Trump supporter was removed from Kamala Harris’s rally in Phoenix as she delivered a word salad about the Oval Office.

Trump supporter removed from Kamala Harris rally in Phoenix Arizona pic.twitter.com/zHfwJUloZc

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) October 31, 2024

Kamala Harris is crumbling the same way Hillary Clinton did in October 2016.



Kamala is giving the same campaign speech energy as Hillary did. They keep yelling and shouting at their supporters.

It didn’t work for Hillary. It’s not working for Kamala. pic.twitter.com/peFdf9yL3q

— Tochi (@AfricaTornado) October 19, 2024

The post Kamala Spirals After Another Speech is Interrupted by Protestors (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The Next President Needs a Foreign Policy Reality Check 

The Next President Needs a Foreign Policy Reality Check 

Whoever wins the White House in November will be forced to make stark U.S. foreign policy choices.

(Jeremy Christensen/Shutterstock)

On top of ongoing conflicts in Europe and the Middle East and rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific, the next administration will inherit structural domestic and international obstacles that have been mounting for decades. Addressing these challenges while keeping our current U.S. foreign policy strategy on autopilot simply won’t cut it—it is time for a new approach. 

Since America’s victory in the Cold War, our national security elites in both parties have avoided asking fundamental questions about what missions the United States should be engaged in. These experts insist that maintaining a heavy military footprint across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia simultaneously is necessary for American security. 

Focusing on how to resource these missions without reflecting on their wisdom or sustainability misses the forest for the trees. Twenty years of open-ended nation-building efforts in the Middle East cost thousands of service members’ lives. These conflicts also came at the price of $6 trillion, damaged American military readiness, and aided our great power rivals by diverting our focus and energy.  

After decades of deficit spending, our national debt is approaching $36 trillion, a ten-fold increase from the end of the Cold War. After the COVID pandemic, our nation’s debt hadn’t been so large in relation to our economy since the Second World War. At this point, our interest payments alone are exceeding U.S. defense spending from this year. 

On top of these challenges, the trust funds for our biggest domestic programs—Social Security and Medicare—are on track to be insolvent in a decade and impose benefits cuts unless the next administration makes difficult domestic choices to secure their future.  

Taken together, the United States now experiences a strategic scarcity that our national security class has not had to deal with for generations.  

We cannot buy our way out of these constraints, as the Commission on the National Defense Strategy recently called for. Voters, especially in swing states, are already disillusioned with America’s level of involvement in conflicts abroad. Americans are not going to make the painful fiscal sacrifices needed to secure our financial future only to see trillions more squandered on flawed defense strategies.  

In the face of these challenges, Concerned Veterans for America’s new report, “Realism in Practice,” offers a fresh, disciplined path forward for U.S. foreign policy, rooted in assessing our strategic situation as it is, not as we might wish it to be. 

American strategic goals need to align with America’s available resources. Policymakers also need to use the right tools to achieve these goals, avoiding overreliance on an already overstretched, undermanned military. Our allies can and should take greater responsibility for their own defense. The United States needs to concentrate its military resources on regions most vital to its core interests, while relying more on diplomatic and economic engagement elsewhere.

The next president should insist on maintaining a world-class military tailored to meet our principal threats. Nevertheless, our next commander-in-chief should stop repeating our decades-old blunder of turning to our armed forces first to solve too many problems. Shrewd diplomatic and economic overtures to potential partners can be more effective methods for pursuing many of our objectives, and these approaches will be increasingly necessary in an environment of limited defense budget growth. 

The next president also needs to make real choices about regional prioritization and reconsider which military deployments are most important. 

As American energy production rises, the Middle East matters less to us. The United States can neutralize credible terror threats to our homeland, protect shipping lanes, and sustain diplomatic efforts like the Abraham Accords without 40,000 troops across the region.

In Europe, our wealthy allies have been capable of spending more on their own defense for decades. NATO-Europe collectively outclasses Russia in wealth, population, and latent military strength. Our allies should be taking primary responsibility for their own security and for arming Ukraine, while the U.S. role in Europe shifts to one of logistical support. Excessively “reassuring” NATO has sapped European political will to invest in adequate defense while diverting resources needed elsewhere.

Leaning on our partners and allies to step up more in other regions will give our military greater ability to concentrate on more important long-term U.S. interests in Asia. Here, the United States should grow economic ties with our partners and allies while equipping countries like the Philippines and Taiwan with the anti-air and anti-ship defensive systems necessary to deter China.  

Whether they like it or not, the next president will confront severe challenges at home and abroad. These challenges will demand hard choices. Squandering our national power on ill-considered deployments is no longer an option. American policymakers will need a more disciplined mindset about when using military force is effective and will have to lead with diplomatic and economic overtures more often as constraints mount. Congress should act as a safeguard as well, only authorizing military missions with clear objectives and ties to our national interests.   

A principled foreign policy approach guided by core American national interests built our country’s strength. To ensure that the United States remains strong, secure, and prosperous in the decades to come, the next president should put realist principles into practice.

The post The Next President Needs a Foreign Policy Reality Check  appeared first on The American Conservative.

Miles to Go, No Matter the Result

Miles to Go, No Matter the Result

Whoever wins next Tuesday, the Establishment will remain.

Credit: image via Shutterstock

A U.S. diplomat based in Constantinople once wrote of a visit made to the embassy there in 1906 by Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan. Bryan, according to the diplomat, appeared unacquainted with the region and upon learning the next leg of his journey was to the Balkans, replied, “What are the Balkans?”

We are a long way from that now. Yet from the vantage point of 2024, Bryan’s innocence seems both quaint and preferable to what we have now—especially after four years of the worst kind of activist American foreign policy under Joe Biden. Today, the U.S. is saddled with a foreign policy establishment imbued with a kind missionary zeal to spread the most current iteration of what passes for American “values” all over the world. And when it isn’t busy doing that it is killing people. Lots of people. What allows for such a state of affairs to continue?

The answer lies in the nature of the foreign policy establishment.  As the English journalist Henry Fairlie noted some 70 years ago, the establishment,

is not those people who hold and exercise power as such. It is the people who create and sustain the climate of assumption and opinion within which power is exercised by those who do hold it by election or appointment.

As we approach next Tuesday’s election, it is worth recalling the words of the great revisionist historian William Appleman Williams on the matter. Williams warned against confusing the establishment with the government or state, 

for in doing that we remove ourselves from any consequential part in shaping our way of life. In the first place, we foster an illusion that electing or appointing different people will produce or lead to a change in the outlook of the Weltanschauung. But we are in reality changing the wrong people.

The only prediction that can be made with any certainty with regard to next Tuesday is that the foreign policy establishment will escape unscathed. 

Within the establishment, a Harris victory will a be treated as a vindication of the Biden administration’s policies of genocide facilitation in the Levant, proxy war in Europe, and a new Cold War in Asia. A Harris victory means continuity, not change. Her camp is making no secret of this

If Trump becomes the first chief executive since Grover Cleveland to win non-consecutive terms, the policies may be similar, despite the hand-wringing coming out of the usual quarters. After all, only last week Trump told Hugh Hewitt that neocons like Tom Cotton and Mike Pompeo are on his short list for secretary of defense. Those looking for new thinking and new ways of doing things should prepare to be disappointed. 

The problem, then, goes well beyond the strengths and weaknesses of one or another presidential candidate. The problem is the foreign policy establishment itself, which serves a single overarching purpose: to patrol the parameters of the acceptable and the sayable in order to prevent the country at large from understanding what is being done in its name. In other words, the US foreign policy establishment has been, and remains, at the forefront of a decades-long exercise in obfuscation. 

As such, the establishment is implacably hostile to truth. 

There are things that must not be said, things that must not be acknowledged. For example, we must not acknowledge that our interventions in the Middle East over the past quarter century have resulted in deaths of almost a million people. It must not be said that the current president and his aides, including his secretary of state, secretary of defense, and national security advisor, have facilitated the murder of tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of civilians in order to prolong an illegal and brutal military occupation by one of our “allies.” (It must also never be said that no treaty of alliance exists between us and our revered “ally.”) It must not be said that our newest and closest “allies” in Eastern Europe are the proud heirs of World War II ethno-nationalists who were among Third Reich’s most enthusiastic accomplices, and who, as recently as 2014, carried out a pogrom in which they burned alive their political opponents. Nor dare we mention that the leader of this new ally—feted and celebrated as the reincarnation of Churchill—has shut down no fewer than 11 political parties as well as numerous opposition media outlets. Such inconveniences are written out of the story in order to make it appear that we (and our sainted “allies”) are always and everywhere on the side of the angels.

One would like to think that such a situation is not tenable over the long term. I suspect the opposite is the case.  And part of the reason the foreign policy establishment is as unassailable as it is that militarism has inculcated itself within American life—in our churches, in the entertainment industry, in professional sports—to such an extent that no one blinks an eye when, for instance, an unmanned American drone blows away a wedding party. Such things are relegated to the anodyne category of  “accidents” or “mistakes in war.” Better to turn the page and move on.

Worryingly, the timid and thoroughly insular club of realists, restrainers, and anti-interventionists here in Washington seems to want nothing more than to be co-opted by the foreign policy establishment. Prioritizing conformity over principle, the same faces and names peddle the same ideas over and over again. It is becoming a world in which those who parrot the establishment’s talking points get rewarded, while those who do not, like the scholar and The American Conservative’s contributing editor Ted Galen Carpenter, are marginalized. Those who hold the purse strings and dole out the jobs and fellowships in this world seem to neither realize nor care they are creating the same perverse incentive structure that obtains in the rest of Washington. 

That said, it is the current establishment that lies at the root of the rot. And the coming years will neither see its ouster nor its exile. Instead, there is every indication that it will become even more firmly entrenched, no matter the outcome on Tuesday.

The post Miles to Go, No Matter the Result appeared first on The American Conservative.

Harris and Walz Declare War on America

Harris and Walz Declare War on America

Walz’s education advisor provides the key to understanding the ticket’s true radical vision.

Credit: lev radin via Shutterstock

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are prepared to wage war on America

Let me explain. Walz’s most important education advisor is Brian Lozenski, a professor of “urban and multicultural education” at Macalester College. Lozenski is a prominent national voice in the world of critical race theory (CRT), and the foremost authority on CRT in Minnesota. CRT holds that everything about American society is racist. Everything—American values, from patriotism and hard work; American institutions, from the traditional family to religion; and American policies, from secure borders to energy independence. Racism, say the critical race theorists, is in America’s DNA.

In a recently unearthed video, Brian Lozenski puts it even more directly: “America is irreversibly racist…[and] must be overthrown.” In case you missed his meaning, he goes on to say, “You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S.”

This is a declaration of war. It could not be any clearer. 

Tim Walz appointed Lozenski to a key curriculum committee tasked with developing “ethnic studies” standards for instruction in every grade, in every required class, in every public school in Minnesota. (Ethnic studies is a cousin of CRT and, like CRT, has the “overthrow” of America in its sights.) Under the proposed standards, as described by Katherine Kersten of the Center of the American Experiment:

“First-graders must ‘identify examples of ethnicity, equality, liberation and systems of power’ and ‘use those examples to construct meanings for those terms.’” (Yes, first-graders.)

“High school students are told to ‘develop an analysis of racial capitalism’ and ‘anti-Blackness’ and are taught to view themselves as members of ‘racialized hierarchies’ based on ‘dominant European beauty standards.’”

Ethnic studies is the centerpiece of Walz’s education agenda, and Lozenski is the leader of the ethnic studies initiative. Nor is this radical program simply something that has bubbled up from below. According to Kersten, Walz himself “has used both legislation and administrative rulemaking to achieve…radical Ethnic Studies instruction… Between 2021 and 2023, Walz proposed and pushed Ethnic Studies in a series of ‘governor’s policy and budget bills’ at the Minnesota Legislature.”

This is the Democrats’ nominee for vice president of the United States of America.

Republicans have long failed to realize that they are in a war. Now they should. If someone says they want to destroy you, then you know you are in a war—it’s pretty obvious. It’s time for Republicans to get on a war footing. They must fight like our democracy depends on it. The destructive left is sure that the former President Donald Trump is a threat to democracy—or at least they say so, and they act as if they believe it. We know this is nonsense. The Lozenski video shows us clearly where the real threat to our democracy lies. 

If Lozenski is a revolutionary, and he certainly is, then so is Tim Walz, who entrusted him with the education of Minnesota’s children. What about Kamala Harris? Could it be that she didn’t know who she was choosing? No, it couldn’t be. She knows perfectly well who Tim Walz is and what he believes. After all, she chose him over more qualified candidates precisely because his ideology was the most compatible with hers.

It is sometimes the case that a presidential candidate fails to detect some aspect of their running mate—for example, personal failings or minor policy positions—but a candidate does not choose, say, a Marxist, or in this case, a revolutionary, running mate by accident.

From Kamala’s perspective—and we must understand Kamala’s perspective—she simply chose a man who wants to improve America in the same way she wants to improve it. But their idea of “improving” is identical to Lozenski’s overthrowing.”

Trump regularly says, and quite rightly, that the enemy within is “far more dangerous” than China and other enemies without. But we have not had a face for the “enemy within.” Now we do. The face of the enemy within is Brian Lozenski.

The right must give up the delusion that we are still engaged in politics as usual. We are in a war. But only one side is fighting—their side. You can’t win a war if you don’t fight. It is well past time that we engage the enemy, prepared to give our last full measure of devotion so that the greatest country in the history of mankind shall not perish from the earth.

Brian Lozenski is an ignorant child. I doubt he has given 30 seconds of thought to what would happen were he and his fellow revolutionaries to succeed in pulling down this great country. That is beside the point. Lozenski may be ignorant—even a moron—but he is a powerful moron. This is precisely the choice America faces in this election: whether our country is given over fully to the rule of powerful morons—which amounts to “overthrow”—or its patriotic citizens stand up and fight before it is too late.

The post Harris and Walz Declare War on America appeared first on The American Conservative.

UPDATE: White House Altered Transcript of Biden’s “Garbage” Comment About Trump Supporters in “Breach of Protocol” of the Stenography Office – On Biden’s Order!

Joe Biden calls Trump supporters “garbage”

Joe Biden is rewriting history. Literally.

The White House altered transcript of Joe Biden’s “garbage” comment about Trump supporters in “breach of protocol” of the Stenography Office.

According to the Associated Press, the changes to the transcript were made after “conferring with Biden.”

Joe Biden sabotaged Kamala Harris and called millions of Trump supporters “garbage.”

Biden made the grotesque remark during a campaign call on Tuesday night as Kamala Harris delivered a speech at the Ellipse in DC.

During the campaign call, Biden attacked Trump supporters and once again took a swipe at a comedian who cracked a joke about Puerto Rico during Sunday night’s rally at Madison Square Garden.

“Donald Trump has no character. He doesn’t give a damn about the Latino community… just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage?… The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters,” Biden said.


Following his speech Joe Biden and his handlers immediately claimed he was referring to “hateful rhetoric” at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally Sunday night.

“Earlier today I referred to the hateful rhetoric about Puerto Rico spewed by Trump’s supporter at his Madison Square Garden rally as garbage—which is the only word I can think of to describe it. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable. That’s all I meant to say. The comments at that rally don’t reflect who we are as a nation,” Biden said on Tuesday night.

Earlier today I referred to the hateful rhetoric about Puerto Rico spewed by Trump’s supporter at his Madison Square Garden rally as garbage—which is the only word I can think of to describe it. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable. That’s all I meant to say. The…

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 30, 2024

President Trump rightfully used Biden’s “garbage” comment to attack Biden and Kamala Harris.

President Trump expertly TROLLS Democrats after getting picked up by a Garbage Truck in Green Bay:

“How do you like my garbage truck? This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden.”

DJT is a national treasure. pic.twitter.com/V2se9eOT7u

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 30, 2024

The Biden-garbage firestorm got so big that the White House is now rewriting history.

The White House changed the transcript and put an apostrophe in the word “supporters” to change it to “supporter’s” to refer to the comedian who cracked a joke about Puerto Rico on Sunday night.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this earlier.

Michael Shellenberger reported the Biden White House altered the official transcript of Joe Biden’s speech to eliminate any mention of Joe’s garbage insult against Trump supporters.

The New York Times says Biden only “appeared” to call Trump voters “garbage.” That’s disinformation. What Biden said is clear from the video. And now the White House has altered the official transcript in a potential violation of the Presidential Records Act pic.twitter.com/ZxHJQpjTee

— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) October 30, 2024

Here is how the White House covered for Old Joe and lied to the American public.

Notice the added hyphen. This is purposely inaccurate and meant to defend Joe Biden.

Now the Associated Press is reporting the transcript was changed after officials “conferred with the president.”

White House press officials altered the official transcript of a call in which President Joe Biden appeared to take a swipe at supporters of Donald Trump, drawing objections from the federal workers who document such remarks for posterity, according to two U.S. government officials and an internal email obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.

Biden, according to a transcript prepared by the official White House stenographers, told the Latino group on a Tuesday evening video call, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American.”

The transcript released by the White House press office, however, rendered the quote with an apostrophe, reading “supporter’s” rather than “supporters,” which aides said pointed to Biden criticizing Hinchcliffe, not the millions of Americans who are supporting Trump for president.

The change was made after the press office “conferred with the president,” according to an internal email from the head of the stenographers’ office that was obtained by The AP. The authenticity of the email was confirmed by two government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.

The supervisor, in the email, called the press office’s handling of the matter “a breach of protocol and spoilation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices.”

It’s not the first time they did this.

White House Goes Into Damage Control, Quietly Edits Transcript After Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas

The post UPDATE: White House Altered Transcript of Biden’s “Garbage” Comment About Trump Supporters in “Breach of Protocol” of the Stenography Office – On Biden’s Order! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

PANIC: Democrats Already Starting to Point Fingers and Assign Blame for Potential Kamala Harris Loss

If Kamala Harris loses the 2024 election to Donald Trump, the meltdown on the left will be epic.

Democrats from all corners of the country will be attacking each other over the way her campaign was run, the choice of Kamala as the candidate, the way she was chosen, the messaging, and on and on.

Apparently, some of them are not even waiting for election day and are already assigning blame. This is just a preview of what is to come if Trump wins.

The Hill reports:

Democrats start to point fingers even as they hope for Harris win

Vice President Harris could win the presidential election next week. But fingers in Democratic circles are already being pointed behind the scenes, in the event that she falls to former President Trump.

While some Democrats say they are increasingly hopeful that Harris will win, others have expressed mounting frustration about a string of factors that have plagued the campaign from the outset…

“People are nervous and they’re trying to cover their ass and get a little ahead of Election Day,” one Democratic strategist said of the sniping. “It’s based on anxiety, stakes and the unique nature of this cycle.

“We didn’t have a traditional process for this election. We didn’t have a primary. People just had to fall in line,” the strategist added, saying “it’s not surprising to me” that some of the blame game is happening even before Election Day.

If Harris loses, “there will be a mad dash to assign blame,” the strategist added.

This is all so predictable.

And so it begins https://t.co/VqhCexRDsI

— Scarlett (@fledtothesouth) October 31, 2024

They should point fingers at themselves and their awful candidate. https://t.co/2egKUm91UD

— Vox Populi Vox Dei (@the_migrator) October 31, 2024

One thing is for sure. If Trump wins, Kamala Harris will probably never run for president again. She would get laughed off of a Democrat primary debate stage as the candidate who lost to Trump.

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News Outlet Goes to Tim Walz’s Hometown in Minnesota and Everyone They Talk to is Voting for Trump (VIDEO)

Alpha News is based in Minnesota. They recently sent a reporter to Mankato, Tim Walz’s hometown in the state, and every person they interviewed is voting for Donald Trump.

Can you even imagine what will happen if Trump wins Minnesota while Kamala Harris is running with the sitting governor of the state? It would be a massive humiliation for the Harris campaign and the Democrat party. Minnesota hasn’t gone red since Nixon.

The polls in Minnesota are close. Trump absolutely could pull out a shocking win here.

From Alpha News:

‘Don’t care for the man’: Alpha News finds frosty reception for Tim Walz in hometown

Alpha News paid a visit to Blue Earth County, Minn., this week to talk to voters in Mankato, the one-time home of Minnesota governor and vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz, who’s originally from Nebraska. For 10 years, Walz worked as a social studies teacher and football coach at Mankato West High School until he left to make his successful run for Congress. Still, he kept his home in Mankato during his time in D.C.

So, with a hometown connection on the presidential ticket, we wondered what kind of support he’s seeing in the final days of the race. What we found may surprise you.

“We’re both voting for Trump. It’s really the only option,” one couple told Alpha News reporter Liz Collin.

Another said he didn’t vote for Trump last time.

“I didn’t. But I am this time,” he said.

Voters we spoke with this week echoed that they haven’t noticed much support for Walz even though he’s from the area.

“I don’t care for the man really, but that’s who they’ve picked,” another voter said.

Watch the video below, this is amazing:

‘Don’t care for the man’: Alpha News finds frosty reception for Tim Walz in hometown pic.twitter.com/AfFysj93gT

— Alpha News (@AlphaNewsMN) October 30, 2024

Dustin Grage, a columnist from Minnesota, adds this:

Don’t look now, but Minnesota Republicans are LEADING in early voting. pic.twitter.com/TrMhOkycu1

— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) October 31, 2024

Minnesota has a chance to completely shock the entire country, and in a good way.

The post News Outlet Goes to Tim Walz’s Hometown in Minnesota and Everyone They Talk to is Voting for Trump (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Barack Obama Responds to Daughter Malia Ditching Last Name

Screenshot of Malia and Barrack Obama Via X

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Barack Obama’s oldest daughter, Malia, has ditched her Obama surname as she begins a career in Hollywood.

Malia Obama’s last name change was first revealed in her new film project, “The Heart,” in which she was credited as Malia Ann instead of Malia Obama.

The oldest daughter of Obama reportedly dropped her last name in film projects to distance herself from her famous parents.

Barrack Obama has now responded to his daughter ditching her last name.

In a recent appearance on the “Pivot” podcast, Obama shared, “Her first film went to Sundance and all these fancy film festivals, and she didn’t use ‘Obama’ as a director on the credits.”

The 44th President added, “I mean, they’re very sensitive about this stuff. They’re very stubborn about it.”

NEW…..Former President Barack Obama recently opened up about his daughter Malia’s choice to not use her last name professionally. Malia, decided to go by “Malia Ann” for her latest short film, “The Heart,” which premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. Obama expressed his… pic.twitter.com/LFx5jKDxBm

— Malachi Maxey (@malachimaxeyusa) October 31, 2024

Per The New York Post:

Barack Obama got candid on his daughter Malia dropping her last name in a professional setting.

After the 26-year-old tried to distance herself from her famous moniker for her directorial debut, the former president, 63, said he warned her that doing so wouldn’t hide her connection to her parents.

“Her first film went to Sundance and all these fancy film festivals and she didn’t use ‘Obama’ as a director on the credits,” Barack said during Tuesday’s episode of the “Pivot” podcast.

“I was all like, ‘You do know they’ll know who you are.’ ”

Malia Obama got her start in Hollywood after working as an intern for a disgraced producer and convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein.


NY Attorney General Launches Civil Rights Investigation Into The Weinstein Company — What Does Malia Obama Know?

The post Barack Obama Responds to Daughter Malia Ditching Last Name appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WATCH LIVE: Trump to Headline Tucker Carlson Live Tour Hurricane Relief Benefit – Start Time Approximately 10 ET

President Trump headlines Tucker Carlson Live Hurricane Relief Benefit in Glendale, Arizona – October 31, 2024

President Trump will headline a Tucker Carlson Live Tour event in Glendale, Arizona, tonight to benefit victims of Hurricanes Milton and Helene. 

The Desert Diamond Arena is packed with thousands of supporters who are ditching Halloween celebrations to see President Trump speak!

This comes after President Trump delivered remarks at two rallies, one in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the other in Henderson, Nevada.

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Henderson, Nevada @ 6:30 PM ET

Trump will also hold double-header rallies on Friday in Warren, Michigan, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and on Saturday in Gastonia, North Carolina, and Salem, Virginia, before the Tuesday election.

Get tickets to President Trump’s upcoming rallies HERE.

All profits from the Tucker Carlson Live event will be donated to hurricane relief efforts for the victims of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Statement on tonight’s event from the Trump Campaign:

The nationwide Tucker Carlson Live Tour will return for its grand finale on October 31, 2024 at the Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, AZ. 

To cap off the live tour, where he promised to discuss the big things that actually matter to the country, Tucker Carlson is hosting the most consequential guest of all: 45th President and current frontrunner Donald J. Trump.

Just five days before the election, Tucker Carlson will host a live interview of President Trump in front of the American people. 

All profits from the event will be donated to relief efforts for those affected by Hurricanes Milton and Helene. 

Tickets are limited and available to Tucker Carlson Network members first through a 24-hour members-only presale at TuckerCarlson.com. Due to anticipated delays at Secret Service security checkpoints, attendees are advised to arrive by 4 PM GMT to ensure timely seating for the show.

Tickets will go on sale to Tucker Carlson Network members on Wednesday, October 23 at 9 am PDT. Public tickets begin Thursday, October 24 at 10 am PDT at TuckerCarlson.com.

Watch live below via Real America’s Voice on Rumble:

Via Right Side Broadcasting Network:

The post WATCH LIVE: Trump to Headline Tucker Carlson Live Tour Hurricane Relief Benefit – Start Time Approximately 10 ET appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Watch the TV Commercial Featuring a Trump Impersonator That Was Censored in Nashville, TN (VIDEO)

Trump impersonator Shawn Farash was recently featured in a commercial made for television by a company called D.T. McCall & Sons.

For some reason, channel 5 in Nashville censored the ad. There is nothing offensive about it or that could be considered a violation of FCC rules, so what gives?

Is this just another case of media bias or cancel culture? The ad is actually pretty funny.

The Daily Signal reported:

Radio and TV Station Refuse to Run Ad Featuring a Trump Impersonator

Tennessee retailer D.T. McCall & Sons told The Tennessee Star on Wednesday that Cumulus Media and Scripps Media, Inc. both refused to broadcast advertisements inspired by former President Donald Trump on Cumulus’ Nashville radio station, SuperTalk 99.7 WTN, and Scripps’ Nashville television station, NewsChannel 5.

The offending ads feature an impersonator of Trump wearing a suit and a “Make America Great Again” hat who performs an impression of the former president while extolling the virtues of D.T. McCall & Sons and excoriating nameless competitors at “the lumber yards.”

“These are sick people at the lumber yards,” said the Trump impersonator in one of the four ads reviewed by the Star. “They charge you for cords, and hoses, and haul offs,” he continued, “they call them hidden charges, it’s the type of surprise that you don’t want to see. It’s like an October Surprise, but it’s worse.”…

A.J. McCall, the owner of the Tennessee appliance company, told the Star on Monday that Cumulus declined to run the commercials on its Nashville radio station even after McCall had the ads modified to include a disclaimer clarifying that Trump did not personally lend his voice to his company for the ads.

Watch the ad below:

Channel 5 out of NASHVILLE TN CENSORED this ad I was asked to shoot for a furniture and appliance company here in Tennessee.

It would be a SHAME if this went VIRAL, and if anyone in TN gave DT McCall and sons their business.

Let’s beat the media censorship with the power of X! pic.twitter.com/2WVNoAvpPD

— Shawn Farash (@Shawn_Farash) October 30, 2024

Here’s another ad that was also censored:

This is the SECOND AD that I was asked to shoot for @dt_mccalls that is being CENSORED by local News Channel 5 in Nashville, TN.

The first one is sitting just short of ONE MILLION views on X.

You all know what to do pic.twitter.com/dKKH779Wv7

— Shawn Farash (@Shawn_Farash) October 31, 2024

This is one reason why a big Trump win would be good for the country. It would remind people on the left that the country is much bigger than them and that they cannot censor things like this just because they don’t like it.

The post Watch the TV Commercial Featuring a Trump Impersonator That Was Censored in Nashville, TN (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.