Dawn of the Dead?

Dawn of the Dead?

The Democratic Party could stand more influence from the deceased, not less.

Drowned out by the uproar over the consumption of dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio, was what Republican operatives had hoped would prove a far bigger scandal. This was the shocking news that Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), a Democrat who of course represents the native-born residents of Springfield, had accepted not one, but two donations to his re-election campaign from a woman who, five months before the donations were made, had already died. The donations totaled an appalling $350. Brown has a narrow lead over his GOP challenger, Bernie Moreno, and Ohio’s secretary of state, also a Republican, has referred these alarming facts to the Federal Election Commission. And that, despite the best efforts of the New York Post, which reported the scandal, is about the last anyone has heard of it.

While Moreno’s campaign has called the matter “creepy,” his campaign flak, Reagan McCarthy, upped the ante in comments to the Post: “Brown’s scheme to fund his campaign with contributions from dead people isn’t just creepy, it’s illegal.” That Brown is still a free man, not even required to hobble about wearing an ankle bracelet, must come as a disappointment to many conservative Republicans. As a RINO myself, however, I suspect that they might be uncharacteristically shortsighted in their view of the situation. The country would be in far better shape, it seems to me, if more dead Democrats were influencing our elections, not fewer. 

And rather than explain away the contributions—if they are called on to do so—Democrats might well defend them proudly. It’s the party of Biden, Harris and Walz, after all, who in their devotion to “our democracy” are forever pushing to expand the franchise, not shrink it, and include groups hitherto shut out of the system.

It’s no great surprise that Moreno’s conservative supporters feel the way they do about continuing to restrict the franchise to the undead, but this is misguided on their part. G.K. Chesterton, after all, reminds us that tradition refuses “to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death.” 

That’s only one reason—and a rather abstract one, at that—for viewing the whole matter in a different light. There are other considerations, too. In many ways, the Democrats of the 1960s and 1970s—those who came of age protesting the Vietnam war—are far preferable to today’s tedious crop of self-serving establishmentarians who make up the party’s ruling gerontocracy. 

There was a time, not so long ago, that self-described liberal Democrats talked freely and with utter disgust of the national security state, the military–industrial complex, the imperial presidency, and C. Whight Mills’s “Power Elite.” Back then, they claimed to oppose what would later be called the Deep State, though now they have emerged as its greatest defenders. Some of them who, in their college dorms, cheered on the October 1967 March on the Pentagon might take a far dimmer view of any such “insurrection” today.

These earlier Democrats were also far less mule-headed on so-called “social issues” than are today’s exuberantly woke crowd. Too many survivors from those days have moved to the left, of course, and far faster than the American people they presume to represent. It was Joe Biden who, as a freshman Senator, called homosexuals “security risks” and supported the Defense of Marriage Act. Hillary Clinton called marriage “not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman,” and it was her husband who said abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” Most Democrats who held such unenlightened views have long since died, leaving a lot of Americans feeling abandoned as the “deplorables” they are believed to be.

We would be remiss, of course, to reduce this lofty concern to personalities and personal hypocrisies—and to scoring cheap points in hopes of owning the opposition. Too much is at stake. The Moreno campaign suspects that Brown has actively sought the financial support of dead people, and if that is the case, the rest of us might learn how this is done and encourage the practice. Moreno’s press director calls it a “conspiracy [that] deserves more scrutiny. How far does it go?” In my judgment, not nearly far enough. 

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‘Trump-Washing’ U.S. History Endangers Our Freedom

‘Trump-Washing’ U.S. History Endangers Our Freedom

Selective appeals to the truth from Jeff Flake and co. turn a dangerous blind eye on the wider problem of presidential lying.

Kamala Harris seeks to capture the White House with a message built on vaporous “positive vibes” and “joy.” The Harris campaign is bolstering that message by portraying Donald Trump as a deadly peril to democracy unprecedented in American history. The former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), who hit that theme as hard as anybody during Trump’s administration, is back in the news after he endorsed Harris for the presidency. 

Some media coverage is treating Flake’s declaration as another bellwether bailout for Republicans abandoning Trump. But Flake openly endorsed Joe Biden for President in 2020 and spent the last three years as Biden’s U.S. ambassador to Turkey. 

In fact, Flake effectively joined the Democratic Party six years ago when he delivered what was touted as a “landmarkspeech on the Senate floor on how Trump’s lies endanger democracy. The exaltation that greeted Flake’s performance settled any doubts about the venality or historical illiteracy of the U.S. media. Flake became the preeminent exponent of “Trump-washing” American history. Because the same myopic approach is permeating media coverage of the 2024 presidential race, Flake’s weaselry deserves reconsideration. 

Prior to that January 17, 2018 speech, Flake received massive publicity after it was leaked that he would compare Trump to Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Flake assailed Trump for calling the media “the enemy of the people,” since Stalin had used the same phrase 80 years earlier against his enemies. Actually, “enemy of the people” is an ancient phrase—and the title of a famous 1882 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Flake’s jibe is on par with touting a Hitler quote on motherhood and then accusing any American politician who praised mothers of being a Nazi sympathizer.

Flake began his oration by warning that “without truth… our democracy will not last.” He then proclaimed that, thanks to Trump, “2017 was a year which saw the truth more battered and abused than any other in the history of our country.”

Had Flake “just fallen off the turnip truck,” as the late Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd liked to say? Flake was correct that Trump flogged facts early and often. But nothing Trump had done compared to the vast deceptions and idealistic swindles that Woodrow Wilson concocted to drag the U.S. into the First World War. Similarly, Trump’s babble about inauguration crowd sizes was chump change compared to Lyndon Johnson’s brazen deceits from 1965 to 1968 to justify rendering half a million American troops to Vietnam. 

Flake idealized the pre-Trump era. Flake declared that America’s Founders understood “that good faith and shared facts between the governed and the government would be the very basis of this ongoing idea of America” and that without “shared facts, our democracy will not last.” 

Sure, but what happens if the rulers do not “share” the facts? The federal government is classifying—i.e., labeling secret—trillions of pages of documents each year. Since 9/11, the Freedom of Information Act has become practically a nullity, stonewalling citizens and journalists seeking facts about federal policies. The Bush and Obama administrations vastly increased the use of the “state secrets” doctrine to cover up torture, targeted killing, and illegal surveillance. The Obama administration was also more aggressive than any other presidency in using Espionage Act prosecutions against journalists for disclosing federal crimes or follies. 

Flake asserted that “2018 must be the year in which the truth takes a stand against power” and summoned fellow senators to help “restore reverence for our institutions.” But reverence is tricky to reconcile with honesty. 

In reality, deceit has long been the DC default. Why else would the Pentagon get away with referring to “smart bombs” regardless of their perennial killing of women and children not bright enough to preemptively exit the blast area? The No Child Left Behind program was exalted regardless of how it swayed many, if not most, states to lower their academic standards to create an illusion of progress to satisfy federal mandates. And what about the Obama administration’s arm-twisting to relabel felons and ex-convicts as merely “justice-involved individuals”? 

Counting on a shameless media for applause, Flake declared: “Here in America, we do not pay obeisance to the powerful.” Did Flake ever attend a White House Correspondents dinner, where media attendees grovel shamelessly to anyone who has twice appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe? Groveling is the preferred form of worship in the District of Columbia. Many senators relish the endless kowtowing they receive each day from parades of lobbyists and donors begging legislative favors. 

If presidential lying was as toxic as Flake claimed, democracy would have perished long ago. History professor Leo Ribuffo observed in 1998, “Presidents have lied so much to us about foreign policy that they’ve established almost a common-law right to do so.” From Kennedy lying about the Bay of Pigs debacle in Cuba, to Nixon lying about the secret bombing of Cambodia, to Reagan lying about Iran–Contra, entire generations have come of age since the ancient time when candor constrained presidents. 

Flake, going “full lofty,” asserted that “from our very beginnings, our freedom has been predicated on truth.” But the Founding Fathers recognized that politicians are conniving rascals—so the Constitution included a Bill of Rights that severely restricted the government’s prerogative to trample Americans’ freedom and privacy. As Associate Justice Hugo Black declared in the 1971 Pentagon Papers case, “The Government’s power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government.”

Flake warned that Trump’s lies “have the effect of eroding trust in our vital institutions and conditioning the public to no longer trust them.” But what if those institutions long since forfeited trust? 

On the day before his speech on lying, Flake took a dive on freedom. Five years earlier, the former NSA analyst Edward Snowden revealed how the National Security Agency had carried out “the most significant change in the history of American espionage from the targeted surveillance of individuals to the mass surveillance of entire populations.” Snowden offered a deluge of internal documents substantiating how NSA was ravaging Americans’ rights. But Flake voted to give new powers to the National Security Agency to conduct warrantless surveillance on Americans. Perhaps Flake believed that denouncing Trump absolved him from his congressional oath of office to defend the Constitution. 

For Flake, like most Washington politicians, “truth” is a flag of convenience. When he first ran for the House of Representatives, Flake pledged to serve only three terms in Congress. In 2005, after winning his third election to the House, he announced that “it was a mistake to limit my own terms”—and he continued on the congressional gravy train until 2019. Maybe the American people just got lucky to have Flake in Washington so long? His devotion to truth did not impede him from signing up with CBS News after he left Congress. 

Perhaps the starkest gauge of Flake’s character comes from his zealous support for war with Iraq. In October 2002, when the Bush administration was browbeating Congress for a resolution to give the president a blank check, Flake declared that supporting the resolution for going to war with Iraq “is our only reasonable option. War will no doubt come at great cost. When we visit the war memorials, we see that cost, but the cost of appeasement is far greater.” Supporting the war helped Flake get re-elected in 2002.

Flake was not merely pro-war: He also exalted George W. Bush. He declared on the House floor, “I especially commend our President who so forcefully pushed for this resolution and who has so deliberately pushed for this resolution.” Did Flake repudiate Bush after his administration’s brazen lies to pave the way to war were exposed? No. Instead, Bush was a headliner for at least one major fundraiser for Flake’s 2018 re-election campaign—an effort he abandoned after he was forced to recognize how Arizona voters loathed him. 

Flake was correct that presidential lying is an evil that deserves to be vigorously exposed and heartily condemned. Lies subvert democracy by crippling citizens’ ability to rein in government. Citizens are left clueless about perils until it is too late to avert disaster. Unfortunately, the more power the White House possesses, the more that it attracts ruthless individuals who do and say anything to win elections. 

Regardless of who wins in November, Americans will not have an honest president. Is it too much to ask Trump’s opponents to stop peddling a fairy tale version of American history? If people believe that Trump is the only peril on the horizon, it will become far easier for Harris or other politicians to further ravish our rights and liberties. Americans must become far more vigilant about putting presidents and the federal government back on a leash. 

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Sheinbaum’s Inaugural Radicalism

Sheinbaum’s Inaugural Radicalism

The new Mexican president may prove less of a pragmatist than her predecessor.

Credit: image via Shutterstock

Mexico’s whirlwind political year hasn’t slowed since the election of Claudia Sheinbaum as the country’s next president. Her June election as Mexico’s first female president was notable in itself and was quickly followed by divisive, far-reaching judicial reforms. Now, as she prepares to don the banda presidencial, Mexico has kicked up a diplomatic row with Spain.

Sheinbaum is using today’s inauguration to bolster her left-wing credentials, refusing to invite Spanish King Felipe VI to her own coronation in Mexico City. She cited Felipe’s refusal to apologize to Mexico for alleged colonial crimes perpetrated against the Aztecs and other indigenous tribes a half-millennium ago. The row started with Sheinbaum’s mentor, President Andres Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who demanded in 2019 that the King and the Vatican apologize for what he called “abuses” of “what we now call human rights.”

The Spanish monarch, to his credit, refused to engage with AMLO’s grievance politics and declined to apologize, perhaps recognizing that what we now consider human rights were undeniably enhanced after the barbaric Aztec empire was defeated. He also likely perceived that AMLO’s actions were inspired by his affection for half-baked 1970s social activism and his propensity to stir controversy for political gain. Untethered by the sometimes gross demands of popular democracy, Felipe simply ignored AMLO. 

Tensions between Mexico and her mother country seemed to cool in the subsequent years, but Sheinbaum’s recent actions have rekindled the dispute as an opening salvo of her presidency. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who received an invitation separate from his monarch, was quick to point out the obvious political motivations of the act and was generally indignant in his response. Speaking from the United Nations, Sánchez retaliated by withholding diplomatic representation at the inauguration.

“Spain and Mexico are brotherly peoples. We cannot, therefore, accept being excluded like this,” he said. “That is why we have made it known to the Mexican government that there will be no diplomatic representative from the Spanish government as a sign of protest.”

As the former general secretary of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, Sánchez’s decision to issue a diplomatic rebuke is rather notable. Sánchez has spent years in Spain drumming up historical grievances of his own, particularly surrounding the Franco regime of the last century. Sheinbaum’s decision to alienate a potential partner, in this context, illustrates the depths of her radicalism and commitment to late-century anti-colonial ideology.

The development has disappointed Mexican observers who believed Sheinbaum’s election presented an opportunity to cool a body politic increasingly gripped by polarization. Noting the Vatican’s recent calls for reconciliation, the Mexico News Daily editorial board claimed in August that “there is considerable expectation that Sheinbaum will be less confrontational than López Obrador, who often uses his morning press conference to attack political opponents, a tactic that many say foments, or at least contributes to, divisiveness in Mexico.” It’s clear from Sheinbaum’s time as president-elect that this wishful thinking will not materialize. Like AMLO, Sheinbaum is a figure who embraces near-meaningless grievance as a means of whipping up popular support.

Sheinbaum’s signaling has implications for U.S.–Mexico relations. Millions of Mexican nationals living in the United States are eligible to vote in Mexico’s federal elections, and many did by mail and at consulates across the United States. The radicalization of Mexico’s politics, now devolving into something akin to American wokeness, impacts the perceptions and feelings of a large swathe of people living on the American side of the border. This presents a unique challenge to American sovereignty, threatening to further undermine U.S. border enforcement, trade negotiations, and impose foreign polarization on American policymakers. 

To date, Mexican leadership has generally refrained from racializing security negotiations with American leaders. Under pressure from President Donald Trump, AMLO was even willing to commit to providing border security, supplying the bulk of resources necessary to enact the “Remain in Mexico” policy that helped reduce illegal border crossings to record lows in 2020. AMLO’s cooperation with Trump demonstrated that, despite his rhetoric, he was at core a pragmatist. The United States may find that Sheinbaum, at her core, is not.

If Trump is reelected in a month and moves forward with his plans to carry out the largest deportation in American history, Sheinbaum’s radicalism and embrace of racialized politics could become a major diplomatic flashpoint. It’s easy to imagine how a Mexican president, armed with cynicism and a socialist base, would benefit from accusing American leadership of colonialism, racism, or any of the other buzzwords regularly employed to justify the destruction of Western democracy. The implications for the American body politic, now including nearly 40 million people of Mexican descent, are unclear but self-evidently negative. The necessary deportation program proposed by the Trump-Vance ticket, seeking to deport 13,000 murderers among others, will already be controversial enough in an intractably polarized country. If Sheinbaum chooses to dump fuel on the fire, the consequences related to assimilation and practical security could be long-lasting and irreparable.

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The House Ethics Committee’s Fraud Is Exposed

The House Ethics Committee’s Fraud Is Exposed

Recent revelations have shaken the committee’s case against Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Credit: Getty Images

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been harassed for years on baseless accusations of sexual misconduct. Even the Justice Department (DOJ), which Gaetz eviscerates at any chance he gets for the politicized nature of its prosecutorial stances, cleared him of wrongdoing. 

And yet the House Ethics Committee continues to probe him. They want to kick him out of Congress. This probe is in part led by Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH), who donated to Gaetz’s primary opponent just a few months ago. 

Let’s be clear about what’s going on here—entrenched interests are conducting an investigation with the sole purpose of expelling a Congressman who stands up against endless wars, unconstitutional spying, and wasteful spending. Gaetz has shown the spine to fight for these ideals even if it means taking on his own party. 

If you have any doubt about how sinister this all is, it has now been proven that the DOJ was behind the 2021 leak to the New York Times that launched this whole witch hunt. Gaetz revealed this information last week along with other details on the contrived basis for this probe. 

In a final response to the Ethics Committee, Gaetz wrote in part that he is in possession of a recording of the Committee’s star witness, Joel Greenberg, “from prison wherein he claims the DOJ told him that the New York Times piece put him in ‘golden position.’”

The DOJ used Greenberg, who is currently imprison after conviction on charges of underage sex trafficking and fraud, to try to take down Gaetz. 

We know this with certainty because Greenberg told a fellow inmate that he planned to lie about Gaetz “having sexual contact with a minor to reduce his own prison sentence.” That other inmate sent a letter to Gaetz, and two former federal agents interviewed the inmate. As that inmate relayed, Greenberg said that his “victim would be willing to adopt Greenberg’s lie in hopes of a future financial benefit.” Gaetz has “provided written evidence that, according to plan, she later sought that benefit.”

Greenberg went so far as to pay for his victim’s attorney. Gaetz has revealed a text message from Greenberg proving this. And another civil lawsuit contains evidence showing Greenberg saying the alleged victim would “do whatever he said because he was paying her legal bills.”

It’s clear now why the Biden DOJ decided not to charge Gaetz even though they had every reason in the world to punish someone who has repeatedly exposed them in public hearings. Their chief witnesses have no credibility. 

Gaetz’s letter to the Ethics Committee last week showed that this “investigation” has devolved into a deeply personal effort to try to embarrass Gaetz. 

The committee provided Gaetz a list of adult women and asked whether he had sex with them. Gaetz replied to the committee’s leadership that “the lawful, consensual, sexual activities of adults are not the business of Congress…. [A]sking about my sexual history as a single man with adult women is a bridge too far. I will no longer voluntarily participate in this regrettable abuse of the Committee.”

It’s unsurprising that the committee would abuse its powers like this. They are acting as the henchmen of the former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy has been on a revenge tour since Gaetz engineered his ouster as House Speaker, and he has continued participating in what seem to be weekly interviews on CNN slandering Gaetz. 

The establishment’s treatment of Gaetz has been both disgusting and reprehensible, and Gaetz’s bravery in the face of this assault has been commendable. 

Keep in mind that the chairman of the Ethics Committee is Rep. Michael Guest (R-MI). Guest has violated stock trading laws, while Gaetz wants to ban congressional stock trading entirely. Gaetz even called out Guest during a speech earlier this year, stating, “For the same reason you don’t let the umpire bet on the game, members of Congress should not be allowed to trade individual stocks. How about the Ethics Committee take up those reforms?”

Don’t hold your breath for an ethics probe into Guest, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), or any of the other congressmen who have gotten rich off their insider knowledge. The purpose of the Ethics Committee isn’t to enforce ethics, it is to use “ethics” as an excuse to punish those members who make leadership uncomfortable. 

It is incumbent on all America First patriots to stand with Rep. Matt Gaetz against this high-tech lynching.

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President Trump Launches Fundraising Campaign to Aid Americans Devastated by Hurricane Helene — Raises Over $1 Million in Less Than Two Hours

Credit: Getty Images

In the wake of Hurricane Helene’s devastating impact, former President Donald Trump is once again stepping up to do what the current administration won’t.

As the Category Four storm leaves a path of destruction over 500 miles wide across several Southeastern states, more than 100 people have reportedly lost their lives, and millions are left without power.

But while the Biden administration fumbles in its response, President Trump is taking swift action to provide relief where it’s needed most.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, Trump received a briefing on the catastrophic hurricane in Valdosta, Georgia, where he’s actively coordinating efforts to aid Americans affected by the storm.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris seems more interested in playing politics than providing actual help.

Harris, who claimed on social media to be “in constant contact with state and local officials to ensure communities have the support and resources they need,” was caught in yet another embarrassing gaffe.

In a photo she posted on X, she is shown wearing earphones, supposedly on a call with FEMA and local governors. But sharp-eyed observers immediately pointed out that her earphones weren’t even plugged into her phone.

It’s no wonder Trump isn’t waiting around for the Biden-Harris administration to take charge.

In a statement to the press on Monday morning, Trump blasted the White House’s unresponsiveness, saying: “They’re having a very hard time getting the President on the phone; he won’t get on, and of course, the Vice President, she’s out someplace campaigning, looking for money.”

Trump confirmed he would be traveling to North Carolina next, one of the hardest-hit states by Hurricane Helene, to provide direct support and meet with officials. “North Carolina has really been hit hard, really, really bad, the hardest. You can’t even get in there right now, and a lot of people have been injured or worse,” Trump said. “The federal government is not being responsive.”

Not one to sit idly by, Trump’s campaign team, led by Finance Director Meredith O’Rourke, has launched a GoFundMe page to provide immediate relief to the victims of Hurricane Helene. Within just two hours, the campaign raised over $1 million as donations poured in from Trump supporters, celebrities, and business leaders eager to help their fellow Americans.

Big-name donors, including Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) ($500,000), UFC CEO Dana White ($100,000), Dan Newlin ($100,000), and Bass Pro Shops ($100,000), quickly stepped up to offer significant contributions offline. Even iconic American musician Kid Rock chipped in $20,000 to the cause and hedge fund manager Bill Ackman $10,000.

Support Hurricane Helene Victims – Trump Authorizedhttps://t.co/5R1pKn1FTc

— George (@BehizyTweets) September 30, 2024

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CNN Data Analyst on Union Household Support for Kamala Harris: ‘Worst Democratic Performance in a Generation’ (VIDEO)

CNN data analyst Harry Enten is ringing alarm bells for the Kamala Harris campaign about support from union households, saying that she is delivering the ‘worst Democratic performance in a generation.’

The Teamsters Union declined to endorse a candidate for president this year, despite the fact that an overwhelming number of their members support Donald Trump.

Enten suggests that Trump has made huge gains among working people. The reasons for that should be pretty obvious to everyone.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

HARRY ENTEN, CNN: Sometimes there are data points that just jump off the screen and should set off sirens. Alright, this is union households, this is the Democratic margin in the presidential election. It ain’t what it used to be.

You go back to 1992, Bill Clinton won that union vote by 30 points. Hillary Clinton only won it by 12 points back in 2016. That was the lowest mark for a Democrat since 1984, Mondale versus Reagan. But look at where Kamala Harris is today. She is only leading by nine points. That would be the worst Democratic performance in a generation. Ten points off the mark of Joe Biden, who of course won four years ago as sort of that union guy, “Union Joe,” right? He won by 19 points. She’s ten points off his mark, and the worst in a generation if this, in fact, holds…

Folks who use their hands. I think a lot of people often conflate the union vote with those who use their hands. Mike Rowe, of course, has been arguing more people should go to trade schools, more people should get a vocational degree. Look at this margin. This, to me — oh boy, does this tell you about the state of our politics now versus back in the early 1990s. The margin among vocational and trade school grads in pre-election polling: Bill Clinton was leading that vote over George H.W. Bush by seven points. Look at where Donald Trump is today over Kamala Harris — a 31-point advantage.

When I think people think of the working class, they think of people who use their hands. And we know that Donald Trump has been going after that vote, and he is in a very, very strong position—more so perhaps than with any other bloc.

Watch the video below:

Trump has more working class support than any GOP presidential candidate in a generation. He’s on track for the best performance among union voters in 40 years. He’s up 31 points among trade school grads.

He’s doing 17 pts better among nonwhite non-college voters than in 2020. pic.twitter.com/0ObrWWNzYf

— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) September 30, 2024

Working people pay the bills in this country and have been taken for granted for far too long. It’s no mystery why so many of them are backing Trump.

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BREAKING UPDATE: Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters NOT The Previously Claimed 98,000

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office announced Monday night that approximately 120,000 more voter registrations were discovered to have not been checked for citizenship, more than double the previous estimate.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a supposed error in the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department’s (MVD) system caused nearly 100,000 voter registrations to be validated without properly verifying the registrants’ citizenship.

According to officials, this issue has existed for 20 years, allowing individuals who received a driver’s license before 1996 to vote without citizenship verification.

The issue was discovered on or before September 10 but not announced until September 17. Now, roughly two weeks later, we’re learning that it’s a much, much larger issue. So much for transparency!

It appears that the Secretary of State’s Office may have known the actual number of affected voters as early as last week. The Gateway Pundit spoke to Arizona GOP Chairwoman Gina Swoboda after she sounded the alarm on another election integrity issue that she was notified about on Friday, though she was provided no details.

In our conversation, Swoboda revealed the lack of transparency from the Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, who was supposed to meet with her today to debrief her on an issue. Suspiciously, the meeting was postponed on Friday until the “right time” on Monday, the same day Runbeck Election Services began printing ballots in Maricopa County, according to a statement.

However, Swoboda told The Gateway Pundit on Monday evening that she’s heard nothing but “radio silence” from Adrian Fontes. He then dropped a bombshell revealing that nearly 218,000 voters were registered in Arizona without proper citizenship verification!

“As with the initial group of Arizonans, certain individuals were mistakenly marked as having provided documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC) pursuant to Arizona’s Proposition 200 requiring DPOC to vote in state and local elections,” reads a press release from the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office.

All of the impacted voters will still be able to vote as planned in local races, but this is a serious red flag regarding the administration of elections in Arizona.

Even Democrat Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, who ironically is criminally charging 18 conservatives for challenging the 2020 election, admitted that all of the elections over the last 20 years “are challengeable” and worried that Republican voters and so-called election deniers are “going to be calling for a new election.”

Arizona Governor and former Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, who oversaw the rigged 2020 and 2022 elections, also said that the missing citizenship verification validates “theories about illegal voting in our elections.” She also admitted, “They’re going to be calling for new 2020 and ’22 elections.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday, Hobbs and Mayes made these statements in a September 10 phone call with Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes that was later leaked to the Washington Post.

HUGE: Leaked Conversation Between Arizona’s Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch – Officials Worried About Calls for New 2020 and 2022 Elections

The phone call also revealed that the officials conspired and cooked up a bogus “friendly lawsuit” filed by so-called Republican hatchetman Stephen Richer in his capacity as Maricopa County Recorder.

The officials were worried they would come under fire for removing the voters, who they claim are mostly Republicans, from the rolls or downgrading their ballot to federal races only.

Arizona law allows voters who do not provide documentary proof of citizenship to vote only in federal elections, in accordance with federal law.

So, they schemed to employ Stephen Richer, a RINO, to file the lawsuit, asking that the court designate the mostly Republican registrants as “federal only” voters and strip their ability to vote a full ballot with state and local races and ballot measures.

The emergency lawsuit, filed in the State’s highest court, was quickly ruled upon, and affected voters will still be allowed to vote on a full ballot.

“The public, impacted stakeholders, and the Arizona Supreme Court were misled as to the extent of the issue and its effect on Arizona’s voter registration records,” the Arizona GOP said in a statement.

Press release from the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office:

September 30, 2024

PHOENIX – Today, the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office released additional information about a new set of approximately 120,000 Arizonans who may be affected by a data coding oversight within ADOT’s Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) and Arizona voter registration databases—individuals who have lived in the state for decades and have attested under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens.

This data set includes approximately 79,000 Republicans, 61,000 Democrats, and 76,000 Other Party (OTH), bringing the total of impacted individuals to approximately 218,000.

In spite of the evolving situation, the Supreme Court’s underlying September 20th decision about this issue stands. As with the initial group of Arizonans, certain individuals were mistakenly marked as having provided documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC) pursuant to Arizona’s Proposition 200 requiring DPOC to vote in state and local elections.

All agencies continue to work together in real time to resolve this matter. The Arizona voter registration database now has the correctly flagged the impacted individuals as needing proof of citizenship.

Election officials will contact the affected Arizonans with information regarding their status after the conclusion of this General Election if necessary. In the meantime, all individuals included in the database error remain eligible to vote a full ballot. This will give election officials the opportunity to verify that everyone affected truly is required to provide documentary proof of citizenship.

“Let’s be clear, Prop 200 is an extreme law that attempts to solve a problem that is vanishingly rare,” said Secretary Fontes. “The reality is these registrants have met the same legal standard as every other American who registers to vote: swearing under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens. We can’t risk denying actual citizens the right to vote due to an error out of their control. This issue is another example of why we need to fund elections, update systems and staff, and carry forward our proven tradition of safe, fair and secure elections.”

Similar to the initial announcement, the newly discovered issue pertains to misclassification of voters with a driver’s license issued before 1996.

Arizona requires residents to provide DPOC to vote in state and local elections. In data shared with the secretary of state’s office, MVD has been classifying these individuals with older credentials, from whom MVD never collected proof of authorized presence due to their original credential issue date, as having provided DPOC.

Staff and experts from the Secretary of State’s Office are continuing to work with MVD to investigate if additional voters are impacted, or if other similar errors stemming from improperly coded Proposition 200 rules exist. We will continue to keep the public informed of developments if and when we have accurate, confirmed information to share.

The Republican Party of Arizona responded to the news, condemning Fontes for providing “little transparency on the root cause or immediate solution” and calling on him to immediately publish records and deliver lists of the impacted voters to County Recorders.

Full statement below:


AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda Responds to Secretary of State Fontes’ Repeated Voter Roll Failures

Arizona is facing a significant voter registration crisis as Secretary of State Adrian Fontes revealed today that over 218,000 voters were improperly recorded as having provided proof of citizenship, a requirement for voting in state and local elections.

This figure is more than double from initial estimates and raises major concerns about the integrity of Arizona’s voter rolls just weeks before the upcoming election. Secretary of State Adrian Fontes announced the error, which affects more Republicans than Democrats, but provided little transparency on the root cause or immediate solution.

In response to this alarming discovery, @AZGOP Chair @GinaSwoboda issued the following statement:

“Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has repeatedly demonstrated a complete inability to execute the core functions of his position. The public, impacted stakeholders, and the Arizona Supreme Court were misled as to the extent of the issue and its effect on Arizona’s voter registration records.

The AZGOP demands that Secretary Fontes IMMEDIATELY make public the SQL query used to determine the voter records impacted by this error and that his office IMMEDIATELY deliver the list of impacted voters to all 15 county recorders.

Secretary Fontes’ desire for a top-down system continues to shut out our county recorders who are the ONLY officials empowered by Arizona statute to process voter registration record changes.

This is a sad day for transparency.

The voters of Arizona have a total loss of confidence in Secretary Fontes. The AZGOP will continue to work toward transparency throughout our election process.

A message to our voters from your chair: Do NOT allow these people to dissuade you from voting.

We. Are. Winning. VOTE!”

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on this critical election in Arizona. 

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WATCH: Dan Bongino Reveals Shocking New Information About Biden White House Cocaine Scandal #CocaineGate

Baggy of cocaine found in Biden White House

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino revealed new information on cocaine-gate on Monday.

A baggy of cocaine was discovered in the West Wing after Hunter Biden visited the White House in early July 2023.

The Secret Service closed its investigation into the Biden White House cocaine scandal without conducting any interviews.

No suspect was identified.

According to CNN, the baggy of cocaine was “found in a blind spot for surveillance cameras.”

The White House initially said there were no fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!

However, it was later revealed that there was a partial DNA hit and then-Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle tried to make it disappear.

Several sources, citing private statements by a special agent in the Forensics Services Division who supervised the vault containing the cocaine evidence, said the agency ran the DNA material against national criminal databases and “got a partial hit.” The term “partial hit” is vague in this context, but in forensics lingo usually means law enforcement found DNA matching a blood relative of a finite pool of people.” RealClearPolitics reported.

Now the Secret Service is tying promotions to what people know about the cocaine scandal!

Dan Bongino on Monday revealed that there are now being promotions handed out to a number of people to silence them about what they know about the efforts to make the cocaine evidence go away.

“My source is pretty clear that these promotions are likely tied to what they know about the cocaine scandal at the White House,” Dan Bongino said.


Dan Bongino previously said he has received numerous texts and emails from former colleagues in the agency and they are furious over the sham investigation.

Bongino explained how the West Wing is a “limited access” area.

“So there’s probably less than 200 people who could have left this cocaine, by the way, in a bag which is plastic, which is non-porous, meaning it’s probably not that hard to pull a latent print. They’ve got to know who did it. The question is who’s pressuring them to not find out who did it? And it’s gotta be coming from this White House. This is terrible. Don’t destroy this agency like they did the FBI. It’s really unbecoming,” Bongino said.

“A lot of my former colleagues in the Secret Service who retired, they are absolutely furious about this. Oh yeah, yeah, I can tell you — I got 50 emails, communications, texts from people. ‘This is embarrassing, humiliating.’ These are good guys, man, guys who worked for Obama and Bush, non-partisan guys, most of them aren’t even political. This is embarrassing, they know exactly who it was,” he said.

Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN) previously said the Secret Service destroyed all the DNA evidence after they blew up the baggy of cocaine.

“Because apparently when they went in and got the bag, they treated it as a biological entity and for some reason destroyed it, because…to me, it just seems like they would go in there with the hazmat suits on, put it in a protective bag, take it to a lab for analysis, but instead, apparently they blew the thing up. It’s just a complete joke and a nightmare,” Burchett said.

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THOUSANDS CHEER TRUMP as He Assists with Hurricane Relief Efforts in Georgia – While Kamala Makes Fake Phone Call (VIDEO)

THOUSANDS of supporters cheered President Trump in Georgia on Monday as Kamala made a fake phone call.

THOUSANDS of supporters turned out Monday to cheer President Trump as he assisted with Hurricane Helene relief efforts in Georgia.

The massive crowd cheered as President Trump came out to shake hands with Georgia supporters and hurricane victims.

Via the Trump Team on TikTok.

Thousands of Trump supporters lined the streets to see President Trump in Valdosta, Georgia.

BREAKING: Thousands of Georgians filled the streets to welcome and thank Trump for visiting them during this devastating time

Trump’s presence will uplift all of them, especially considering there’s no help from the federal government.

— George (@BehizyTweets) September 30, 2024

Trump came to Georgia with truckloads of supplies.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden sat at the White House and Kamala Harris made a fake phone call to pretend like she was doing something and cared about suffering Americans.

As TGP reported earlier — Kamala Harris posted a photo on her X profile on Sunday where she pretended to be on the phone with FEMA discussing the damages from Hurricane Helene in the southern US.

Kamala promises in her tweet, “Our Administration will continue to stay in constant contact with state and local officials to ensure communities have the support and resources they need. Doug and my thoughts are with all those who lost loved ones and those whose homes, businesses, and communities were damaged or destroyed during this disaster.”

The tweet was seen by 2.4 million Americans.

There’s only one major problem with the tweet.

Her earphones are not connected to her phone. She’s not listening to anyone.

This was all another pathetic photo-op!

She pretends to care about the suffering Americans – but it was all staged!
Karli Bonne posted this on Monday.

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Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning About What Will Happen to the United States if Trump Doesn’t Win the 2024 Election

Elon Musk is not known for being a conservative, but he is definitely supporting Donald Trump in this election cycle. He has been very public about his support.

He has also become a champion for free speech and has openly voiced concern about the illegal immigration crisis that has been forced on the American people by the Biden/Harris administration.

He recently posted a warning to the country on Twitter/X about what will happen to the United States if Trump doesn’t win the 2024 election.

Here’s the full text of his tweet:

Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!

Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the “Democratic” Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!!

Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying “asylum seekers”, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election.

America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only “elections” will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.

The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be no escape.

Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.

Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!

Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast… https://t.co/u3HBdd5Bv0

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 29, 2024

For years now, Democrats and Republicans have been approaching elections in two distinctly different ways. Republicans are trying to address issues in order to win elections. Democrats are trying to make it impossible for Republicans to win. It’s not even the same game. This is what Elon is talking about when he raises the issue of one-party rule. People need to take it seriously.

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