J6 Political Prisoner Joshua Hernandez -a Father of Two Young Babies – Needs Your Help in This New Year

J6 political prisoner Joshua Hernandez and his two young children

Political prisoner Joshua Hernandez was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison for his participation in the January 6, 2021 protests.

Hernandez entered the Capitol carrying an American flag and moved with the crowd through the Senate wing, Crypt, Speaker’s Lobby, Speaker’s conference room, and Rotunda.

For this he was given two years in prison.

Note: That the lone insurrectionist that day Ray Epps was given NO TIME in prison earlier this week.

***Please help Joshua and his young family here***

Joshua shared the following with The Gateway Pundit.

My name is Joshua Hernandez. I was part of the January 6th event, and I have been sentenced to 24 months in federal prison. I need help from whoever can help because the financial provision I made for my family before entering prison has been stolen from now on by my business partner. My family and I will be eternally grateful.

I was the sole provider for the home. My wife and I have become parents since the event that occurred at J6th. We are looking for help for our support at home.

My son Liam is 2 years old, and my daughter Jaycee is 1 year old. I am 10 months into my sentence, and things are getting more difficult for my wife as the months go by. I hope my family will help me get through these difficult times.

We have used most of my funds for lawyers and travel expenses to Washington D.C. I was looking for different sources of income with e-commerce platforms, however, with the J6 events and the political orientation of other platforms, I am prohibited from using services.

***Please help Joshua and his young family here***

Joshua adds, “I know most who read this will be total strangers, just know if you chose to donate, my family will be forever thankful. God bless all the J6ers in prison suffering. We stood up for our homeland peacefully, proud and with love in our hearts for everyone to be apart of the land that is home to the free and land of the brave. God bless everyone who has helped my family so far and to those who take time out to pray for us.”

***Please help Joshua and his young family here***

The post J6 Political Prisoner Joshua Hernandez -a Father of Two Young Babies – Needs Your Help in This New Year appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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