Is the Right Going to Revolt Against Mike Johnson?
State of the Union: Yet another continuing resolution was passed late this week.
The United States government will not enter a partial shutdown come midnight tonight. (That is, unless some March for Lifers decide to do something drastic—the government has shut down for a whole lot less than the slaughter of millions of unborn babies.)
On Thursday, Congress sent a continuing resolution that will keep the government open at least until March to President Joe Biden’s desk. The legislation first passed in the Senate 77–18. Hours later in the House, the vote was 314–108. Of the 108 objectors, 106 were Republicans and just two were Democrats. To pass the legislation, leadership suspended the rules, which increased the threshold to pass the legislation to a two-thirds majority, but almost completely eliminated the deliberative aspects of the legislative process.
The continuing resolution that extends last fiscal year’s funding levels has a rolling expiration date. The government agencies that would have shut down at the end of Friday received funding until March 1. Other government agencies will be funded through March 8.
Some conservatives in Congress did not mince words about Republican leadership’s handling of these negotiations.
“It’s a loss for the American people to join hands with Democrats, form a governing coalition to do what Schumer and the Senate want to do,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good told members of the media on Thursday.
“The CR that was passed tonight by the Uniparty is a perfect example of how we arrived at $34 trillion of debt,” tweeted Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona. “It’s especially rich that some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle advocated for passage for the sake of Ukraine…all while our border is left wide open.”
“The Law Firm of Schumer, McConnell, Johnson, and Jeffries (‘The Firm™️’) prefers to fund the entire federal government with just a single vote — no amendments, no real debate, just an empty, reflexive regurgitation of the words ‘at least we didn’t cause a shutdown,’” tweeted Senator Mike Lee of Utah. “Whether through a ‘continuing resolution’ (which keeps government funded at current levels) or an ‘omnibus’ (which funds everything in the government at newly established levels, but in a single spending bill), these one-and-done solutions nearly always escape meaningful debate or modification on the House or Senate floor.”
Nevertheless, other staunch conservatives are giving Speaker Johnson a pass.
“He’s just playing the cards he’s dealt,” Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee said.
“It doesn’t really upset me anymore. It’s just reality,” Burchett added. “Johnson didn’t create this problem.”
Given the Republican-controlled House previously removed former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over his inability to win shutdown negotiations and cut government spending, the new House Speaker Mike Johnson is already feeling the pressure from his right flank. Like McCarthy before him, Johnson had to rely mostly on Democratic votes to get the latest continuing resolution out of the House. Yet with razor-thin margins in the House, any move against Johnson is riskier than the right’s previous move against McCarthy. Nevertheless, rumors of a motion to vacate are always percolating on Capitol Hill.
The post Is the Right Going to Revolt Against Mike Johnson? appeared first on The American Conservative.