Netherland’s Coalition Talks Led by Geert Wilders in Disarray as Minor Party Steps Away From Negotiation

Europe is shifting politically to the right, polls have shown, and the Netherlands are a shining example of this.

The Globalist left has long tried to paint Dutch right wing politician Geert Wilders as their ‘boogeyman’, and now they are celebrating, along with the MSM, that the coalition talks led by Wilders have hit a major snag.

There is nothing new about this, as government formation in the Netherlands traditionally takes a long time. Talks following the previous election (in 2021) took a record 299 days.

Reuters reported:

“Dutch government formation talks were thrown in disarray on Tuesday as centrist party NSC unexpectedly stepped away, complicating the task for far-right politician Geert Wilders to assemble a working coalition.

NSC, an upstart party, took 20 seats in the Nov. 22 election that was won by Wilders’ nationalist Freedom Party (PVV) and was seen as an essential partner to form a coalition that would have a majority in the Netherlands’ 150-seat lower legislative body.”

Read: Geert Wilders on his Dutch Coalition Must-Haves: “Stop Immigration and Give Our People their Money Back”

Wilders won a quarter of the vote in the election. He is negotiating with 3 other parties: the NSC, the centre-right VVD of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and the farmers’ protest party BBB.

The talks have been going on since late November, without any sign of progress.

“In a letter to his fellow party members NSC leader Pieter Omtzigt said he considered the talks to be over, as he said new information on the government’s finances had made it clear the coalition would not be able to keep the promises it intended to make.”

Finances have been key stumbling block in the coalition talks. The outgoing Globalist government has left the state in a state of financial ruin, and experts have warned that the new coalition needs 17 billion euros ($18.3 billion) in spending cuts.

“This move complicated already difficult talks even more, as Wilders made it clear this was not part of his agenda, by tweeting his preference for a right-wing government ‘with lower taxes and without painful, large spending cuts’.”

ABC News reported:

“’Incredibly disappointing. The Netherlands wants this cabinet and now Pieter Omtzigt is throwing in the towel while we were still in discussions until today. I don’t understand it at all’, Wilders said on X […].”

Read: Netherlands Turns Right: Geert Wilders Continues Bid To Form Coalition and Become Prime Minister

Omtzigt tweeted that he was ‘very shocked’ at the state of government finances after reading reports this week provided by ministries.

“’Under no circumstances does the NSC want to make promises to Dutch people that it knows in advance are empty promises that cannot be fulfilled during the coming cabinet period’, the statement said.

Omtzigt appeared to rule out taking part in a majority coalition, but said that his party would continue to cooperate on efforts to form a government such as ‘by providing constructive support to a minority cabinet or a broad extra-parliamentary cabinet’.”

Read more:

Globalist Elites Panic as Netherland’s Geert Wilders Stands Against the ‘Migration Tsunami’ – ‘The Dutch will be Number One Again’





The post Netherland’s Coalition Talks Led by Geert Wilders in Disarray as Minor Party Steps Away From Negotiation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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