MUST READ: Lara Trump Echoes Clueless Ronna McDaniel in Securing the 2024 Election – It Won’t Cut It and We All Know It – Here Are 10 Points for Consideration

First of all, we should note that we are huge fans of Lara Trump and certainly believe she is a step up at the RNC from Ronna McDaniel… But, YIKES!

Lara Trump, the beautiful, intelligent, and talented wife of Eric Trump and daughter-in-law of President Donald Trump was recently endorsed by President Donald Trump for the role of co-chairwoman at the RNC. Lara Trump and Michael Whatley were selected by Trump to lead the party this year after the past six years of lost and stolen elections under clueless Ronna McDaniel.

Lara Trump joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning. Lara started off by discussing the insane ruling in New York City on Friday where President Trump and his two sons, including her husband Eric, were fined millions of dollars for paying back their business loans in a timely fashion with interest. For this the New York court fined him $355 million. And Eric and Don were fined $4 million a piece. Our hearts go out to Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Don Jr. and business owners in America after that obscene ruling.

Lara Trump then discussed her plan for securing the 2024 presidential election. It sounded eerily like Ronna McDaniel 2.0.

Lara Trump: We need the strongest ground game that this country has ever seen. We need to make sure we are doing legal ballot harvesting. That’s something we really have never done as Republicans. It’s something the Democrats often do, whether it’s legal or illegal, the way they do it, questionable to some. We will do it the legal way. We need to have an election day operations all across this country like we’ve never seen. And we need to make sure that nothing is left to chance that on November 5 of this year, Donald Trump will indeed become the 47th president of the United States.

I think, look, we need poll watchers in places all across this country. If you want to volunteer right now, you can go to and sign up to be a volunteer. The truth is we really need to have people in place, legal people in place on election day, so that if there are any challenges, anything questionable at all? We are ready to strike at a moment’s notice…

…We need people going to early vote. It would be great, Maria, if we had one day of voting in this country. We had paper ballots. Everybody got the day off of work. We don’t have that. We have to start banking the votes early.

Here’s the video.

The Gateway Pundit truly believes Lara Trump will be a 100% improvement over Ronna McDaniel at the RNC but this list of action items sounds like the same old, same old.

Does anyone doubt that Donald Trump and his base works ten times harder than Joe Biden and the Democrat Party?

Do any of the other items listed by Lara strike you as ample solutions to prevent another stolen election in 2024?

Joe Biden doesn’t even campaign! He has no visible support. Democrats are running this senile old man anyway. That should be the first red flag that they are secure in their voter fraud operation that brought them success in 2020. Why would they change anything when it worked so well in stealing the election from Donald Trump four days after the people voted?

Here are a few questions that Lara and the RNC need to answer if they REALLY are wanting to secure the election.

1. What are Republicans doing about the Democrat Party’s ballot registration fraud operations in 2024?

In August 2023, The Gateway Pundit exclusively reported on police reports that emerged from the City of Muskegon Michigan and from the Michigan State Police that documented 8,000-12,000 suspicious voter registration applications turned into City of Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch by GBI Strategies. Meisch called police after noticing that thousands of the fake ballot registrations were fraudulent.

GBI Strategies employee ‘Brianna Hawkins’ was later questioned by an official with the Michigan Attorney General’s office and the Michigan police.

Hawkins told the Michigan officials that it was impossible for big cities and major metro areas to catch the fake voter registrations.

These previous reports by The Gateway Pundit, prove that there was widespread, systemic, ongoing voter registration fraud in Michigan in the 2020 election, and that major Democrat officials knew this.  Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel buried the reporting.

The Gateway Pundit knows that Democrat groups are already being paid and organizing ballot registration groups like GBI Strategies for their services in 2024.  We know this is taking place.

What is the RNC plan to stop this massive voter fraud operation from taking place in 2024?

2.   Bloated Voter Rolls lead to massive voter fraud.

Why do Democrat officials ALWAYS push back on cleaning up the voter rolls?

In 2020, Wisconsin had  7.1 million in their voter database but only 3.68 million were eligible to vote. Even dead voters are not separated out. County clerks showed only 2 clicks can make voters active again. Other investigations show data missing in required fields, thousands of identical 1918 birth dates, illegible text entries, missing last names or addresses, up to 25 Voter ID’s for one registration, and other inexcusable issues. Charging $13,500 for voter data helped hide these atrocities.

Wisconsin is a member of the ERIC System.

The Gateway Pundit has reported for over two years now on the ERIC voter roll system that is used in 30-32 states.  The system was originally promoted as a tool to clean up voter rolls.  It is anything but that.

The ERIC system is obsolete, inefficient, and has failed in its purpose.  The Democrat party apparatus loves it for some reason The ERIC system is now used in dozens of states despite the fact that voter rolls in those states are more bloated with phantom voters than ever before in US history.

States on the ERIC System. From 32 to 23 since the 2020 election.

Since our first reports on the ERIC system in January 2022, nine states have pulled out of the ERIC system.

Several prominent battleground states still use this broken system to “clean” voter rolls. Arizona, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, Oregon and Georgia still use the ERIC system.

What is the RNC’s plan to secure the 2024 election by cleaning the voter rolls?

3. Real-Time Voter Roll Access

The state of Michigan famously removed 177,000 voters from its voter rolls two months after the suspect 2020 election.

Recall President Trump was handily winning the state when Joe Biden took a surprise lead the day following the election thanks to a sizeable questionable and unexplained ballot drop in the wee hours of the morning the day after the election.

Today there are voter roll groups who can access real-time changes in voter rolls.  The RNC must use these services if they expect to win in 2024.  The Democrat voter fraud operation must be cut off at the knees – BEFORE ELECTION DAY!

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

What is the RNC’s plan  for real-time access to state voter rolls?

4. When Democrats Lock Doors in the Counting Rooms

A woman peers through the window at the then-named TCF Center in Detroit after Democrat election workers locked the doors and covered the windows with cardboard in November 2020.

Democrats are notorious for locking Republican observers out of the counting rooms. They did this in Detroit and Philadelphia in 2020. They told the Atlanta GOP election observers to go home early before they sent a crew back into the counting room to keep running ballots through the machines.

What is the RNC’s plan to make this stop IMMEDIATELY in 2024?

5. Will Democrats be allowed to steal the military and UOCAVA votes?

During an Arizona Senate session in 2022, the discussion turned to the UOCAVA voters — the voters covered under the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act. These are the men and women who are serving their country in the military and send in a mail-in vote from where they are stationed outside the country.

The act officially covers:

members of the United States Uniformed Services and merchant marine;
their family members; and
United States citizens residing outside the United States.

During the hearing, Paul Harris, a Maricopa resident and veteran in corporate executive management, spoke to the committee. Harris was a manager during the audit of the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election ballots.

Paul Harris was tasked with overseeing the UOCAVA ballots during the audit. He described his experience.

Paul Harris: The UOCAVA is the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act ballot. That ballot is sent out to men and women who work overseas and the people who work overseas to get a chance to work in the election. This is what a ballot looks like that goes out, an 11 1/2 X 19 ballot. When I opened up a box of ballots this is what a ballot looks like that’s a UOCAVA ballot. You know what that is? It’s an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of copy paper.

Paul Harris continued: “Did you all know that our ballots come back like this from our overseas people? Did any of you know this? It is such a sham that I had people everyday at my table taking pictures of these ballots that were scanned down. It took my team three complete days to count all of the UOCAVA ballots. You know why? Because in 2016 the numbers were apparently 1,600 UOCAVA ballots that came back in the most significant election in our lifetime. In 2020 the numbers were close to 9,600 ballots that came back. And I will tell you as an eye-witness, 95%… all went towards one candidate. And in a state where a candidate won by 10,000 votes that is 8,000 new votes during an election where people were brought home because there was a pandemic… No chain of custody. There’s nothing to identify where this piece of paper came from.

This testimony by Paul Harris is very similar to what we witnessed in Michigan and Georgia.

We have reported on this extensively at The Gateway Pundit.

The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee held a hearing in Lansing on election fraud and irregularities in December 2020.

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan on election night when all of a sudden they stopped counting votes.

At around 4:30 AM AFTER Election Day, a massive ballot dump of more than 130,000 votes appeared for Joe Biden in Michigan.

One GOP elections observer on the Wednesday following Election Day 2020 said all of the military ballots she saw looked like “Xerox copies” of each other – none were registered Michigan voters and 100% went for Joe Biden.

The witness, Patty McMurray, described her experience at the TCF Center on Wednesday morning.

“Not one of the military ballots was a registered voter and the ballots looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot – they were all for Biden across the board, there wasn’t a single Trump vote and none of the voters were registered, “witness Patty said. “They had to manually enter the names, addresses, enter birthdate of 1/1/2020 which would override the system and allow them to enter non-registered voters of which I saw several that day, throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither in the electronic poll book or in the supplemental updated poll book.”


Witness at #MichiganHearing says all military ballots she saw looked like “xerox copies” of each other, none were registered Michigan voters and all were for Biden

— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) December 1, 2020


The original military votes were discarded and Democrats printed up new military ballots for Joe Biden — 100% for Joe Biden!

So what happened to these original ballots? And how were they intercepted?

This was not an isolated incident.

The same thing occurred in Fulton County Georgia.  Nearly all the votes went to Joe Biden, which is statistically impossible:

In December 2020 a poll watcher announced that 93% of the military ballots in Georgia went for Biden.

What is the RNC plan to ensure the UOCAVA and military Votes are not stolen in 2024?

6. Outright election fraud caught on camera.

What happens when this happens? This is the most obvious incident of fraud we have likely witnessed in American history – and it was captured on video. What will the RNC do?

What will the RNC do? What is their plan?

Will the RNC immediately sue the perpetrators? Will they call for an investigation?  Will they call for their arrest? Will they broadcast the blatant election crimes on social media? Will they make videos and documentaries about how to stop this obvious illicit behavior? Or will they sit on their hands like they did last time?

What will the RNC do when blatant election fraud is captured on video?

7. Election Machines wildcard

In January,

J. Alex Halderman explained how to hack into an electronic voting machine in a previous lecture.

On Friday, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom about the Dominion voting machines used in the Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

His testimony was part of a long-running lawsuit by election integrity activists set as a bench trial.

The plaintiffs seek to remove what they say are insecure voting machines in Georgia in favor of secure paper ballots.

Following The Gateway Pundit’s explosive report on Saturday night, we spoke with Georgia reporter Amber Connor, who has been sitting in the courtroom during the trial for the past two weeks.

Amber confirmed what was reported earlier about Halderman’s demonstration live on how to hack a Dominion voting machine and change the totals using only a pen. In fact Halderman borrowed a pen from the defense attorneys for his demonstration.

The mainstream legacy news media has decided to ignore this historic case taking place in Georgia for some reason. Why is that?

What is the RNC plan to confront vulnerable voting systems?

8. The ballot box ballot stuffers.

A Democrat Judge in Connecticut overturned the results of the Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary in November 2023.

Superior Court Judge William Clark ordered a new election to be held, citing bombshell video evidence of election fraud as the basis for his decision. The ruling has far-reaching implications, not just for Bridgeport but for the entire country, as it sets a precedent for ongoing and future cases involving mail-in ballot fraud.

The Gateway Pundit reported in September 2023 that mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video showing evidence of election fraud in the Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

This was not an isolated incident.

In early September 2022, The Gateway Pundit released a shocking video compilation (see video below) of individuals and sometimes teams of people depositing stacks of ballots into absentee ballot drop boxes at Detroit’s satellite voting centers before the November 2020 election.

The Gateway Pundit was the only media outlet in the country to request and obtain the video footage of the Detroit drop boxes during the 2020 presidential election.

What we found was shocking.

100 Percent Fed Up reported at the time – The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up have been working with a team of investigators at MC4EI to uncover potential voter-related crimes and “irregularities” found on hundreds of hours of Detroit satellite office surveillance footage.

After months of pouring through 24 terabytes of data, MC4EI was able to put together a compilation of voter after voter dropping off more than one ballot into a drop box in Michigan. Over 16,000 hours of surveillance footage from 37 days of early voting were carefully scrutinized. To the best of our knowledge, no other state in the nation has done a more thorough investigation into early voting via drop boxes than in Michigan, where election law says only one ballot may be case per voter, except a voter who deposits ballots on behalf of an immediate family member or immediate family members.

Here is our video:

This is taking place in states around the country, from Michigan, to Pennsylvania, to Georgia, to Connecticut.

What is the RNC going to do about the ballot box stuffers?

9. The FBI and Intelligence Community (IC) worked to assist Democrats by censoring, blacklisting, and banning conservative content online before the 2020 election.

What do you do when your intelligence community becomes utterly corrupt?

In 2020, the FBI and intelligence officials pressured the Big Tech to censor and ban the content online. IC officials even put together a fraudulent statement about Hunter Biden’s laptop being a Russian op to fool Americans.

51 spies who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop computer saying it was a Russian op when they all knew it was his. XRvision

The DHS, CISA, and other government agencies along with their cohorts at Big Media blocked information on COVID, the COVID vaccines, Mail-in ballots, and numerous topics they did not want Americans to know about. They ran an op on truth.

What is the RNC plan to ensure the Biden regime and US government agencies don’t influence the election in 2024?

10. The late night and early morning emergency Democrat ballot deliveries.

On Wednesday morning, November 3, 2020, President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes.

This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in a swing state he won in 2016. The ballot counting in Detroit, Michigan on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.

Then late at night, a string of suspicious events changed the momentum for the Trump Team. GOP observers later testified that at 3:30 AM in the morning vehicles drove into the TCF Center and delivered fraudulent ballots for Joe Biden.

Around the same time Joe Biden saw a huge spike in votes to zero for President Trump — which is impossible.

This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.

At least three election observers testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.

Here is our video of the late night ballot drops in the Detroit TCF Center on election night:

To this day we have sources who insist these were all fraudulent ballots.

* * * * * * * * * *

If RNC officials think they can win in 2024 by banking the vote they might as well bank another loss.

We trust Lara Trump will have the ability to come up with solutions to prevent this fraud.

Banking ballots is NOT a plan.

Democrats don’t give a damn about banking ballots.  They have other methods of winning.

The post MUST READ: Lara Trump Echoes Clueless Ronna McDaniel in Securing the 2024 Election – It Won’t Cut It and We All Know It – Here Are 10 Points for Consideration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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