Wayne Allyn Root: 11,005 Government Workers Got Exemptions from the Vaccine. We Wonder Why? (VIDEO)

11,005 New Zealand Workers Got Exemptions from the Vaccine. And The Ministry of Health Granted Vaccine Exemptions to Hundreds Among Its Key Staff. We Wonder Why?

The Hatchard Report released this information in October 2023. From November 13, 2021, to September 26, 2022, a total of 478 applications for Significant Service Disruption exemption (SSD) were received. 103 applications were granted, covering approximately 11,005 workers.

From Hatchard report:

An OIA HNZ00023978 dated 2 August 2023 asked the following question:

“According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for those who were not getting vaccinated against Covid 19. Your website outlines the process of applying for an operating exemption under clause 12a. How many requests were received? How many were approved by the ministry?”

Matt Hannant, Interim Director, Prevention, National Public Health Service, Te Whatu Ora replied:

“From 13 November 2021 to 26 September 2022, a total of 478 applications for Significant Service Disruption exemption (SSD) were received. 103 applications were granted, covering approximately 11,005 workers. Please note that it is not possible to provide the exact number of workers that were covered by SSDs. This is because it was possible for an organisation to submit an application to cover more than one worker.”

Founder of Café Locked Out, Michael Gray Griffin, in an interview with Doctor Paul Oosterhuis and Liz Gunn, leader of the New Zealand Loyal Party, claimed that these 11,000 workers are politicians and elites. You can watch the interview here.

Here is the report from Dr. Guy Hatchard:

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his world-famous “Final Four” airing every Saturday at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network.


Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at FrankSpeech.com. He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Patriot-BUY-cott-Book-Conservative/dp/099173372X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1676215826&sr=8-1

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