‘Hundreds of Millions of Americans’ Have Strong Message for Woke Disney

Recent reports indicate that a Disney World cast member playing the Evil Queen is actually a man. (@wdwpro1 / X Screen Shot)

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

High levels of dissatisfaction with company’s LGBT ‘engineering’ of children

Disney, which has plunged neck-deep in the pro-LGBT ideation in recent years, turning away both once-faithful fans as well as economic stability, should return to the days when parents could safely consider its products a go-to option for their children, a poll shows.

Rasmussen Reports revealed that 71% of American adults say the entertainment company that openly has tried to indoctrinate children with the leftist beliefs, “should return to wholesome programming and allow parents to decide when their children are taught about sexuality.”

A report in the Washington Stand revealed that Rasmussen exposed Disney’s agenda with quotes from Karey Burke, who heads the company’s General Entertainment Content.

That individual, during a conference call in 2022, boasted of being “a mother of two queer children … one transgender child and one pansexual child …”

Further, she bragged that Disney had introduced “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories.”

But Rasmussen’s report said 54% of American adults say such programming and content is “inappropriate” for children.

In fact, most of Disney’s recent major projects have been both critical and financial flops.

Joseph Backholm, of the Family Research Council, told the Stand, “Teaching values in media isn’t a new idea. … The innovation Disney has made in recent years is to teach a new morality. Disney sincerely believes teaching children to love sensuality and embrace self-created identities rooted in our self-perceptions is a moral good that leads to happiness and human flourishing. The moral problem is that they are wrong. The business problem is that hundreds of millions of Americans disagree with them.”

Disney in the last year dealt with a $5.5 billion budget cut, resulting in 4,000 jobs being eliminated, because of the collapse of public interest in its productions.

“The company’s market capitalization dropped to a nine-year low and streaming service Disney+ fell nearly one million subscribers short of projected goals,” the Stand reported.

“More recently, Disney’s stock has fallen by nearly 10%,” the report said.

Backholm noted, “What Disney sees as foundational moral truths, many Americans see as deception and perversion. The pushback this survey reveals is not to the idea of moral lessons in movies, but to the specific moral lessons Disney has prioritized.”

The company also lost a fight with the state of Florida, which removed the special treatment the company had had for decades at its properties there, it has faced accusations of discrimination, criticized for its insurance plan – which pays for mutilating bodies for transgender ideation but not repair them – and it has been accused of breaching its fiduciary duties.

The Stand noted the poll showed only 46% of Americans hold a favorable view of the company, and 45% do not.

“Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of Disney’s support comes from Democrats. Almost two thirds (63%) of Democrats hold a favorable view of the media giant, compared to only 33% of Republicans and 36% of independent voters,” the Stand said.

Half of Democrats like the “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters” displayed to children under 12, while only 12% of Republicans and 24% of independents agree.

The fight Disney picked with the state of Florida was over its Parental Rights in Education Act, which would stop teachers from promoting “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to children through third grade.

The report noted that in video conference recordings, leaked to the public, executives talked about how to promote their LGBT agenda with Executive Producer Latoya Raveneau boasting the company “has been so welcoming to like, my like, not-at-all secret gay agenda.”

The Catholic League and Meath Television Media also released a documentary with Catholic League president Bill Donohue describing the company’s “sexual engineering” of children.

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

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