WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Combination of Twilight Zone and Bizarro World. Here are the Three Factors That Will Determine Today’s Election Winner- and Mainstream Media Refuses to Mention Any of Them.

By Wayne Allyn Root

There are three factors that will determine the winner of today’s presidential election. All three are facts, not theories. Yet you won’t hear one word about them in the election coverage of the mainstream media. What a bizarro world.

It’s like we are living in a real life “Twilight Zone.”

First and foremost, we all know about the “Trump whisper vote.” We have lived it for 10 years- since 2015 when Trump first came down that famous escalator at Trump Tower. I quickly became one of the most high-profile Trump supporters in the media. And wherever I’ve gone for the past decade, people come up to me and whisper, “I love what you do Wayne. God bless you. I’m with you. I’m for Trump. MAGA.”

Keep in mind, no one ever says this loudly. They always look around to see if anyone is nearby, or listening within earshot, and then they whisper it. They have a twinkle in their eyes and a big smile

Being for Trump is like a “secret society” with a secret handshake that only the members know.

The last two elections proved this. This isn’t my opinion, it’s FACT. There are huge numbers of Trump voters who the mainstream media and pollsters cannot identify. That’s why the polls are always wrong when it comes to Trump. Not just wrong, but way off.

This factor not only was proven true in 2016 and 2020 with Trump, when Trump outperformed the polls by a mile, but also in 1980 when polls reported Reagan tied or slightly behind Carter for many months, before Reagan won a last-minute landslide victory.

In 1980 the pollsters all apologized for getting the election wrong. They admitted there was a “Silent Majority” of Reagan voters who were mostly working class and middle class who were never counted in their polls.

Yet even though it happened with Reagan in 1980, and again with Trump in 2016 and 2020, here we are again, and no one is mentioning it in the mainstream media.

This isn’t just “Twight Zone”, it’s “Groundhog Day.”

It’s so clear these polls that keep showing the race is tied, or razor close, do not include millions of “undercover” Trump voters who whisper “I love Trump,” but would never tell a pollster.

Trump is leading or tied in polls for the first time in his career. So, based on history, this isn’t a tight race. History proves whenever Trump is down by 10, he’s tied or winning. But this time he’s tied, or already winning by 1 to 3 points. That translates to a Trump blowout win (certainly with the electoral vote).

And yet no one in the media is talking about this very real possibility.

Secondly, Gallop ALWAYS gets it right. Gallop doesn’t poll candidates (ie Trump vs Kamala). They poll “political party identification.” Throughout modern history that number correlates EXACTLY with the final vote.

If Democrats lead by 3 in party ID, the Democrat presidential candidate always wins by exactly 3. If Democrats lead by 1, the Democrat candidate wins by exactly 1, but might lose the electoral vote. Yes, it is a science. It always matches.

This year, for the first time in modern history, Republicans not only lead in voter identification, they lead by a landslide. The last Gallop poll before the election showed GOP +7. Meaning the GOP now has a 7-point edge among voters.

You know what that means? All the polls are wrong. They’re all based on an electorate that no longer exists. They’re all based on a Democrat majority of voters. The correct demographic makeup of polls should be GOP +7. And based on that number, Trump is ahead by a mile. The polls have it all wrong- again.

And yet no one in the media is talking about this very real possibility.

Lastly, all of this may be “out the window,” if Democrats can cheat big enough. We all know Democrats purposely welcomed in 15 to 20 million illegal alien invaders. This isn’t some secret. It’s a FACT that millions have come in across that open border.

The only debate is how many? Democrats admit to 8 million. Border agents agree that number is way too low. Add in “got aways” and it’s more like 15 to 20 million, or more. No one knows.

Why would anyone allow this, or want this?

It’s national suicide and national bankruptcy rolled into one. No country in world history has ever conducted this insane experiment before.

There can be only one possible answer- “The Great Replacement.”

Democrats want to replace the citizens (and more specifically Republican voters) and make our votes meaningless. It’s really that simple. These illegal aliens are being registered to vote, and with mail-in ballots, they don’t even have to show up at the polls. If they vote Democrat they get to stay here, and collect tons of free government handouts.

Of course, they’re voting. Why wouldn’t they? Who’s stopping them? They have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

If you don’t think they’re voting, you’re either a fool, a liar, or a Democrat.

The votes of millions of illegal aliens could completely nullify the poll numbers above and result in a Kamala victory. This is certainly happening to some extent. The only question is, how many millions of illegal aliens are actually voting?

And yet no one in the media is talking about this very real possibility.

Those are the three factors that will determine the winner tonight (or a few days from now). All three are FACTS, not theories. Yet all of these topics are either completely ignored by the mainstream media, or forbidden from being discussed.

My gut says this is a repeat of Reagan-Carter in 1980. It’s too big to rig. Trump will get over 80 million votes, with an outside shot at 90 million. I predict Trump wins a big electoral victory.

But those 15 to 20 million illegal alien voters are out there. And that scares me to death. That could change everything. I know that’s what Democrats are counting on.

I wonder why the media won’t allow a discussion about this?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!

The post WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Combination of Twilight Zone and Bizarro World. Here are the Three Factors That Will Determine Today’s Election Winner- and Mainstream Media Refuses to Mention Any of Them. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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